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Comparative politics essay topics

Comparative politics essay topics

Fagen says the repression in Argentina was, in part, designed to "Purge ideological infection"; Argentine present General Jorge Rafael…. The Global Model of Infrastructure Development for Economic Growth in China View Essay Sample Copy to clipboard. Arendt, comparative politics essay topics, Hannah. Good Regulation Of Chinese Currency Essay Example. The following paper will attempt to make a comparison between these two figures, the Shakespearean Caesar and the real life President of the United States. Fundamentally, case studies allow one to go beyond often simplistic quantitative analysis and develop contextually rich and in-depth pictures of the phenomena being observed.

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We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Research Paper. Topic: PoliticsPresidentSystemElectionsPowerGovernmentHeadDemocracy. Comparative politics is the comparison and study of domestic politics all over the country, comparative politics essay topics. Political affairs are the fights in any group for authority that will give one or more individuals the capability to make verdicts for the bigger group. Comparative politics essay topics comparative technique is a way to make contrasts and make deductions at the end of the case studies. Political science scrutinizes societies because they describe what is imaginable in the political world by setting out the guidelines and organizations of how politics works.

With our overview of the state institution in hand, we try to look at the main differences in how some of these institutions can be constructed in relation to one another. The essay attempts to describe the general portraits of these systems. In reality, numerous categories exist within these systems. The paper attempts to compare and contrast the parliamentary and presidential systems. It argues out by using advantages and disadvantages of the two systems Tucker, Finally, there is a discussion to show which of the systems among the two is more democratic. Similarities Comparative politics essay topics of power- the division of power in both the parliamentary and the presidential system is between the head of state and the government.

Matters that require quick decision-making are left to the state leader since they are both chosen by the citizens or members of the parliament. Elections- In both systems the head of States is elected. The only difference is the parties involved in the election process and the power that the selected individual is subjected to, comparative politics essay topics. Government- In either case, there is the formation of the government that helps the head of state in the decision-making process. The government is also composed of several elected leaders.

The leaders take part in some critical arguments for the wellbeing of the country Neil, Another key difference is that the position of the head of government and that of the head of state is typically fused together in the presidency. Unlike in the parliamentary system where the position of head of state and where there is the division of power between the head of government and the head of state. Much of the power being left to the head of government prime minister, comparative politics essay topics. In the parliamentary system, the president may be the head of state who is indirectly elected by the legislature, or a monarch who has directly inherited the office. Their powers are frequently little and are not ceremonial, and they are rarely exercised.

On the contrary, in the presidential system, the head of state is directly elected by the public, and he serves for a particular period. The president has all the power and exercises all powers anywhere. The practice of voting in the prime minister is left to the legislature in the parliamentary system. The political parties vote in the prime minister of their choice, and typically the party with the majority of the leaders wins. Therefore, the prime minister comes from the party with a majority of the leaders. On the contrary, in the presidential system the power of voting in the president is left to the public who directly vote for the leader of their choice.

The process takes long, but the chosen leader represents the interests of the public. Time of service- in the presidential system, the time of service for the elected leader is normally from four to seven years. It is hard for the president to alter with the set time since it involves an involving process. Both the government and legislature must take place in the exercise. In the opposite, time of service for the prime minister is undefined. Frequently he serves for a longer time unless he is removed by a vote of no confidence passed by the necessary stakeholders. Advantages of presidential system The public is given an opportunity to elect the leader of their choice. Therefore, the resultant head represents the grievances of the public in the government.

After a definite period, the voters can re-elect the leader if they think he is performing well, or they can as well vote him out of office. Therefore, the system gives the public another chance to elect a leader whom they have confidence in him. Decision-making in the government is faster and efficient since the president has more power and can make decisions on the behalf of the government, comparative politics essay topics. In the case of misuse of power, it is hard to correct the president since he has all the mandate and power to do anything in the nation. The elected seat is ceremonial. Comparative politics essay topics decisions made by the president are comparative politics essay topics since he is guaranteed with the power to make decisions concerning the welfare of the nation.

In case the prime minister does not perform well he can be removed anytime by way of a vote of no confidence. Therefore, this helps in keeping the prime minister on toes to serve the nation entirely. For a decision to be passed, it involves many consultancies since the prime minister on his own does not have the power to give a decision if he has not consulted. The public does not have the power to elect the prime minister, and they might feel that they have less control over the executive and passing of legislation. Even if the prime minister is performing well, comparative politics essay topics, but he loses the confidence of the parties, then he can be removed by way of a vote no confidence Hauss, The presidential system is a more democratic system than the parliamentary system due to various factors.

To begin with, it is more democratic since the public is involved in the process of choosing on who will steer the nation for the next couple of years. The system is also more democratic in that the division of power is in most cases distributed to all the parties of course with much power residing on the majority side. The presidential system is more democratic since there is an existence of a comparative politics essay topics relationship between the government and the voters. The development of the country involves both the comparative politics essay topics. Hauss, C. Comparative Politics: Domestic Responses to Global Challenges.

Cengage Learning. Neil, P. Essentials of comparative politics. Tucker, R, comparative politics essay topics. Towards a comparative politics of movement-regimes. American Political Science Review, 55 02 We accept sample papers from students via the submission form. If this essay belongs to you and you no longer comparative politics essay topics us to display it, you can put a claim on it and we will remove it. Just fill out the removal request form with all necessary details, such as page location and some verification of you being a true owner.

Please note that we cannot guarantee that unsubstantiated claims will be satisfied. Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance. ID Subscribe to WowEssays Premium and get access to over 1 MILLION high-quality downloadable samples, comparative politics essay topics. GET ACCESS NOW. Password recovery email has been sent to email email. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE Sign in. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE. Type of Paper. Essay Topics. Educational Tools. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Blog Our Services. ORDER PAPER LIKE THIS. Premium samples database Get access to over 1 MILLION samples with WowEssays Premium!

LEARN MORE. Introduction Comparative politics is the comparison and study of domestic politics all over the country. Compare and contrast Similarities Division of power- the division of power in both the parliamentary and the presidential system is between the head of state and the government. Differences Another key difference is that the position of the head of government and that of the head of state is typically fused together in the presidency, comparative politics essay topics. Frequently he serves for a longer time unless he is removed by a vote of no confidence passed by the necessary stakeholders Advantages and disadvantages Advantages of presidential system The public is given an opportunity to elect the leader of their choice.

President is directly elected and can draw on a national mandate to create and enact legislation. Advantages of parliamentary system In case the prime minister does not perform well he can be removed anytime by way of a vote of no confidence. Disadvantages of parliamentary system The public does not have the power to elect the prime minister, and they might feel that they have less control over the executive and passing of legislation. Which of the two is more democratic? Conclusion Reference Hauss, C. Decision Making, comparative politics essay topics. Environmental Justice. Cite this page Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver Chicago ASA IEEE AMA.

Accessed 07 January Free Comparative Politics Research Paper Example. January Accessed January 07, Retrieved January 07,

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See Comparative Judicial Politics Research Paper. The interaction of groups and political actors in society is best conceived through the discussion of civil society, social networks, and social capital. In this research paper, each of these terms describes an aspect of a single idea that associations shape social and political life. Social networks are often informal organizations of individuals that span diverse segments of society. These networks can be small or large, but their ultimate purpose becomes promoting the common interest of the network. Within these networks, social capital can be accumulated. The accumulation of social capital encourages individuals to act together to achieve common goals. Without social capital, the achievement of those goals would be impossible.

The ebb and flow of social capital accumulation, especially within the context of social networks, creates social associations that interact at various levels of society and government with varying degrees of formality. This broad condition has come to be understood as civil society. Social networks interact with other social networks within the purview of civil society. The actions of individuals within civil society promote increases and decreases in social capital that affect future interactions of individuals and social networks. While these terms are separate in what they specifically represent, the central theme remains consistent that relationships matter. See Civil Society Research Paper.

The concept of political culture refers to the political attitudes and behavioral patterns of the population, and it is assumed that this culture largely determines the relation of citizens with the political system. Most studies on political culture claim that specific elements of that culture have an impact on the way political institutions function, although it has to be noted that the reverse causal logic institutions determining the political culture has been argued as well by authors adhering to an institutionalist perspective on politics. Strictly speaking, political culture refers only to the attitudes of citizens, but in practice it also includes behavioral patterns that are closely related to these attitudes.

This research paper first reviews the development of studies on political culture, paying specific attention to the work of Gabriel Almond, Sidney Verba, and Robert Putnam. Subsequently it reviews the empirical research on specific elements of political culture before closing with a glance at future directions in this subfield of political science. See Political Culture Research Paper. The past two decades have seen a resurgence in the study of how religion affects politics in the United States and around the world. For generations, social scientists believed religion to be declining in influence to the point that it might eventually be marginalized. However, political scientists continue to observe, among other things, the importance of Christianity in the United States and the increasing influence of extremist Islam leading to events such as September 11, As political scientists have asked questions about these developments, the body of literature on the subject has grown to the point that the American Political Science Association recently initiated a journal titled Politics and Religion in order to give proper attention to this important area of research.

See Religion and Comparative Politics Research Paper. What is generally meant by such terms as ethnicity, ethnic group, and ethnic identity? The terms are derived from the Greek term ethnos, which has been generally translated to mean nation or a community of people who share a common language or culture. Although much of the early understanding of ethnic groups treated these communities as natural, the notable 19th and early 20th century German sociologist Max Weber argued that ethnic groups were artificial and socially constructed. Essentially they were based on a subjective belief in a shared community. This belief is what created the group, and the motivation for creating a group derived from the desire for political power.

This was very much in contrast to an earlier belief in the 19th century that held that sociocultural and behavioral differences between peoples stemmed from inherited traits and tendencies derived from common descent, or race. Later Fredrik Barth went even further, arguing that ethnicity was forever changing and that the boundaries of membership in an ethnic group are often negotiated and renegotiated, depending on the political struggle between groups. See Ethnic and Identity Politics Research Paper. Social movements can be conceptualized as sustained and enduring challenges to political decision makers in order to achieve some form of social change. Although social movements most often are composed of one or various social movement organizations, various authors have emphasized that social movements should not be identified solely with those organizations.

Individual actions, cultural manifestations, the activity of opinion leaders and other elements of cultural change, and consciousness-raising can also be labeled as elements of social movements. Although social movements are studied mostly within the field of sociology, they are also of crucial importance within political science. It can be argued that some of the most important political changes in the 19th and 20th centuries were brought about by the actions of social movements. Social movements therefore are usually identified with contentious politics: They try to bring about political change by challenging the political elite.

As such, they give voice to those who have been excluded from the political system. See Social Movements Research Paper. In , Peter Merkl observed that the field of comparative politics had been woefully deficient with respect to the study of women. Few comparative studies on gender existed, almost no presentations or panels appeared at professional meetings, and no academic journal specialized in the publication of research in the subfield. More than 40 years later, the study of women, and more broadly gender, in comparative politics has flourished, becoming an important area of research. A recent issue of Perspectives on Politics dedicated a whole section of the journal to a review of comparative politics of gender.

Several aspects of the study of women in comparative politics are summarized in this research paper. The first section highlights how the comparative study of women and politics has evolved since the s, noting an increase in the number of scholars in the field and the acceptance of this area of research into mainstream political science journals. The second section examines some of the key themes and theories, including women and representation and feminist comparative public policy. Next, some practical implications of these studies are noted, followed by a discussion of future directions of research. See Gender and Politics Research Paper. Since the last years of the cold war, the study of security and conflict has moved forward from traditional interstate wars to consider issues of human security.

Ullman was one of the first to call for the field of security studies to include nontraditional forms of conflict, and other scholars Kaplan, ; Matthews, soon followed, noting in particular the role that environmental issues could play in creating and exacerbating conflict between states. This article laid the groundwork for new thinking about how environmental scarcity can lead to social changes that in turn create breeding grounds for intra- and interstate conflict. See Environmental Politics and Conflict Research Paper. In the 20th century, some of the darker consequences of the industrial and political revolutions of the late 18th and early 19th centuries appeared: industrialized slaughter and mass terror organized by powerful states against their own societies.

Although the century ended with a wave of democratization in many parts of the world, different types of nondemocratic regimes that had been pervasive outside Western Europe and North America persisted in smaller but still very significant numbers. In the 21st century, political science must continue to analyze nondemocratic regimes and to ask questions that have challenged the discipline for decades at the very least since the rise of fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism in the period between the two World Wars. See Totalitarianism and Authoritarianism Research Paper. Semiauthoritarianism denotes a form of government that is neither fully democratic nor fully authoritarian. The term is by no means uncontested. As will be seen below, many other terms exist to describe such regimes that fall into the gray zone between democracy and authoritarianism.

In this research paper, the notion of a gray zone will be employed to denote this phenomenon. It is suitable for the purposes of this paper because it does not make any assertions as to the quality of the regimes discussed i. In addition, it provides a good base to discuss the conceptual challenges inherent in classifying regimes. After all, the size of the gray zone depends on the reach of the concepts employed by the researcher. It is not uncharted territory but territory simultaneously charted by two concepts that should not overlap. See Semiauthoritarianism Research Paper. Although the term democracy has often been used in the literature, there has not always been consensus as to its meaning. The paper attempts to compare and contrast the parliamentary and presidential systems.

It argues out by using advantages and disadvantages of the two systems Tucker, Finally, there is a discussion to show which of the systems among the two is more democratic. Similarities Division of power- the division of power in both the parliamentary and the presidential system is between the head of state and the government. Matters that require quick decision-making are left to the state leader since they are both chosen by the citizens or members of the parliament. Elections- In both systems the head of States is elected. The only difference is the parties involved in the election process and the power that the selected individual is subjected to. Government- In either case, there is the formation of the government that helps the head of state in the decision-making process.

The government is also composed of several elected leaders. The leaders take part in some critical arguments for the wellbeing of the country Neil, Another key difference is that the position of the head of government and that of the head of state is typically fused together in the presidency. Unlike in the parliamentary system where the position of head of state and where there is the division of power between the head of government and the head of state. Much of the power being left to the head of government prime minister. In the parliamentary system, the president may be the head of state who is indirectly elected by the legislature, or a monarch who has directly inherited the office. Their powers are frequently little and are not ceremonial, and they are rarely exercised. On the contrary, in the presidential system, the head of state is directly elected by the public, and he serves for a particular period.

The president has all the power and exercises all powers anywhere. The practice of voting in the prime minister is left to the legislature in the parliamentary system. The political parties vote in the prime minister of their choice, and typically the party with the majority of the leaders wins. Therefore, the prime minister comes from the party with a majority of the leaders. On the contrary, in the presidential system the power of voting in the president is left to the public who directly vote for the leader of their choice. The process takes long, but the chosen leader represents the interests of the public.

Time of service- in the presidential system, the time of service for the elected leader is normally from four to seven years. It is hard for the president to alter with the set time since it involves an involving process. Both the government and legislature must take place in the exercise. In the opposite, time of service for the prime minister is undefined. Frequently he serves for a longer time unless he is removed by a vote of no confidence passed by the necessary stakeholders. Advantages of presidential system The public is given an opportunity to elect the leader of their choice. Therefore, the resultant head represents the grievances of the public in the government. After a definite period, the voters can re-elect the leader if they think he is performing well, or they can as well vote him out of office.

Therefore, the system gives the public another chance to elect a leader whom they have confidence in him. Decision-making in the government is faster and efficient since the president has more power and can make decisions on the behalf of the government. In the case of misuse of power, it is hard to correct the president since he has all the mandate and power to do anything in the nation. The elected seat is ceremonial. Wrong decisions made by the president are irreversible since he is guaranteed with the power to make decisions concerning the welfare of the nation.

In case the prime minister does not perform well he can be removed anytime by way of a vote of no confidence. Therefore, this helps in keeping the prime minister on toes to serve the nation entirely. For a decision to be passed, it involves many consultancies since the prime minister on his own does not have the power to give a decision if he has not consulted. The public does not have the power to elect the prime minister, and they might feel that they have less control over the executive and passing of legislation. Even if the prime minister is performing well, but he loses the confidence of the parties, then he can be removed by way of a vote no confidence Hauss, The presidential system is a more democratic system than the parliamentary system due to various factors.

To begin with, it is more democratic since the public is involved in the process of choosing on who will steer the nation for the next couple of years. The system is also more democratic in that the division of power is in most cases distributed to all the parties of course with much power residing on the majority side. The presidential system is more democratic since there is an existence of a direct relationship between the government and the voters. The development of the country involves both the parties. Hauss, C. Comparative Politics: Domestic Responses to Global Challenges. Cengage Learning.

Neil, P. Essentials of comparative politics. Tucker, R. Towards a comparative politics of movement-regimes. American Political Science Review, 55 02 , We accept sample papers from students via the submission form. If this essay belongs to you and you no longer want us to display it, you can put a claim on it and we will remove it. Informal social communication. Psychological Review, 57, Festinger, L. A theory of social comparison processes. Human Relations, 7, Taylor, S. Social comparison, self-regulation, and motivation. Mussweiler, T. What friends are for! The use of routine standards in social comparison.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, George Orwell. Reflections on Gandhi and Freedman Speech are taken through a point-by-point comparison and the author gives the reader a chance to see likenesses and similarities in both ideas and writing styles. There were two sources used to complete this paper. DIFFERENT MESSAGES YET THE SAME Throughout the years, historians and authors alike have used their skills to persuade the audience of certain truths as they see them. If we look back in history, we will find that different people often produced similar schools of thought at different times for different reasons. One of the most classic examples of this occurrence would be the Freedman Speech, by Frederick Douglass and the Reflections on Gandhi, by George Orwell.

Each of these works reflect similar styles of writing, as well as similar points of admiration as well as critical thought toward the hero in question. hile Douglass and Orwell discuss heroes…. WORKS CITED Douglass, Frederick. Independence Day Speech Atlantic Monthly, Orwell, George. Reflections On Gandhi. Learning Project As our nation becomes increasingly more diverse we will be presented with the challenge of understanding our cultural differences. For the purposes of this project we will compare the differences between Asian and Western cultures. The project will be based on the cultural impact of performance in workforce, production, sales, customer services, etc.

efore we can create a learning project we must first understand the cultural backgrounds of both groups. Cultural ackgrounds Asian Culture The economic boom seen in various Asian countries during the 90's called into question the work ethic and cultural values that made these nations successful. One of the most definitive explanations for the work values that are prevalent in Asia, especially China, has been attributed to the concept of Confucianism. Confucianism is the…. Bibliography www. A www. civilization in the ancient Near East B. and the Mediterranean B.

shared a great number of similarities as well as numerous differences. These points of comparison covered the political, economic, and social realms, cultural and intellectual ideas, as well as values and institutions. Further, each civilization differed in their specific impact on the creation of estern civilization, and the degree of that impact. Civilization in the ancient Mediterranean B. arose out of a number of important causes. First, the location of the Mediterranean area between three continents, and the influence of civilizations like Mesopotamia, India and China nearby.

Further, the excellent communication by sea, the mild climate, and the invention of writing were important factors in encouraging the development of civilization in the area Poiycratis. The history of civilization in the Mediterranean is not one of a single cultural, political, social,…. Works Cited Ancientnewreast. Near eastern history, language and culture. Near East. Odyssey Online. html Poiycratis, G. Annals of the MBC,5 1. Crime is everywhere. People commit a variety of crimes for a variety of reasons. Four of some of the biggest and longstanding crimes people commit are human trafficking, drug trafficking, organized crime, and corruption. These crimes often go hand-in-hand; they do not exist without the other.

Therefore, they will have various similarities. They will also have some differences. One major difference is the scope and scale some crimes have like human trafficking. Drug trafficking although international, tends to have specific destinations and routes. Human trafficking however exists everywhere and the routes can span from three to four countries or more as a country may serve as a pick up point, a transfer point, a departure point, and an entry point. It is a huge way people fuel criminal organizations and is usually the least prosecuted compared to drug trafficking. Some countries like the Ukraine barely prosecute those who have been…. References Natarajan, M. International Crime and Justice. Cambridge University. Political Framework of Islam The Peninsula states of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, ahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates UAE , and Oman are under growing pressure from outspoken critics who use the language and authority of Islam in these overwhelmingly conservative Muslim societies to call for political and economic reform.

The rise of a radically activist Islamic politics predates the Islamic revolution in Iran, but Sunni and Shia Muslim radicals received significant boosts from the establishment of Islamic government in Tehran and, more recently, from the Gulf War in Regional specialists from the government, the academic community, and the private sector debated the impact of radicalized Islamic politics on the regimes and U. interests in recent roundtables at the Institute for National Strategic Studies INSS. They agreed that Islamic radicals throughout the region have common perceptions of the causes of their societies' ills. These include dissatisfaction with ruling families that…. The Mellody Hobson story from TED , posted by Ben Lillie, explores the dynamics of color and race, pointing out that only two of Fortune companies are chaired by African-American women.

Hobson goes on to point out that people ought not to be just "color brave" but they should be willing to confront their demons, and should invite people of color to apply for jobs because diversity brings strength to a company. I saw a feature on the TED movement on the wonderful CBS program, Sunday Morning, and clearly people like Mellody Hobson have a powerful impact on that stage when they reach deep into the well of progressive ideas and creative solutions. In the Obstacles to Cultural Competence, again the issue of ethnic differences was covered, and covered very well. It was fascinating to read….

Works Cited Lillie, B. Be color brave, not color blind: Mellody Hobson speaks at TED Student News Daily. Conservatives vs. Liberal Beliefs. Healthcare System v. Canada Healthcare System The Canada healthcare system is usually considered as a probable model or standard for the United States healthcare system, particularly in relation to healthcare reform initiatives. The Canadian healthcare system largely differs from the United States one since it is a single-payer and largely publicly funded whereas the U. healthcare system is multi-payer and largely privately funded. However, Canadians and Americans seem to concur that they would not like each other's healthcare system though most Americans base their claims on ignorance regarding how the Canadian healthcare system works while Canadians don't understand how the U.

healthcare system works. Despite the differences in the two healthcare systems with regards to objectives, there are similarities in the objectives of these systems. Moreover, the Canadian healthcare system provides important lessons through which the United States healthcare system can be improved or reformed. And Canadian Healthcare…. References Bernard, E. The Politics of Canada's Health Care System. pdf "Comparing the U. And Canadian Health Care Systems. The National Bureau of Economic Research. html Helfgott, S. A Comparison of the Canadian and U. Healthcare Systems. LEASING vs. Leasing and Purchasing Computer Equipment Scope Considerations for Lease Option Advantages of Financial Leasing GE Transportation plans to replace their computer equipment for the Human Resources and recruitment department having roughly employees.

This paper is based on researching what is the most economical way for the employer, GE, to outfit its office with computer. In this paper the pros and cons both of buying new equipment for the employees or leasing computers to use are analyzed. As per the results of the research, it was found that it is in the best interest of GE transportation to lease the computer equipment. Purchasing computer equipment will cost U. Comparing Leasing vs. Purchasing Computer Equipment? Bibliography Alexander, P. business - Should You Lease or Buy Your Tech Equipment? There are some distinct differences between lease and loan financing!

Retrieved from Coastal Leasing, Inc. pdf Erie, Pennsylvania, Computer, Laptop, Projector, and AV Rentals. Rentech Solutions Computer Rentals, Laptop Rentals, Lcd Projector Rentals. Computer Rental and Leasing market report HighBeam Business: Arrive Prepared. Business information, news, and reports HighBeam Business: Arrive Prepared. Mill and Wilson Attempting to find any common ground between the moral and political philosophies of John Stuart Mill and Edward O. Wilson seems futile, given that their ideas are based on extremely different premises and assumptions.

Wilson was a Darwinian evolutionist who argued that human culture, behavior and morality was mostly rooted in genetics -- in DNA that had evolved over millions of years -- while this idea would simply have been alien to Mill. Wilson was a determinist and reductionist who seemed to put a low premium on individualism, while for Mill the individual was absolutely free and sovereign, and could not be coerced of controlled unless he or she did harm to others. There simply is no room in such unlimited personal freedom in Wilson's philosophy which is more concerned with the survival and reproduction of the human species as a whole than with individuals.

In any…. Romeo and Juliet and English Patient Shakespeare's romantic tragedy Romeo and Juliet provides an archetypical structure for the development of similar tales. One example of a story built on themes evocative of Shakespeare's play is Michael Ondaatje's novel The English Patient. Although the plot and characters differ considerably as do the time periods in which the stories are set, Romeo and Juliet and The English Patient share themes, imagery, and motifs in common. Both stories take place amidst violence and war; both are also set in Italy. Both focus on tales of passionate, forbidden, and unrequited that is love made all the more powerful against the violent backdrop. ar is integral to the plot and character development in both stories: war creates the symbolic and actual tension between the various pairs of lovers in the two tales.

ar is what brings the lovers and friends together and what tears…. Works Cited Ondaatje, Michael. The English Patient. Canada: McClelland and Stewart, Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. Kafka, he Wannsee Conference, And Shadows and Fog Kafka's protagonist of "he Metamorphosis," Gregor Samsa, perfectly embodies the totalitarian mindset in the sense that he is colonized by the desires of his employer, his family, and even the room in which he lives to the point that he can hardly think for himself. he room in which Samsa dwells is so small; the man becomes a virtual prisoner of its confines. Samsa turns into an insect seemingly as a result of the limiting pressures of his physical space and cramped social and emotional life. In fact, his life is so confining, he can only think of returning to the office, even after becoming transformed into a huge and hideous insect.

Over the course of the short story by Kafka, Gregor's own family rejects him after his physical alteration, despite the fact that Gregor has long been giving up his own…. The film shows the discussions that caused the Nazi officers to arrive at the exact particulars of settling the 'final solution' of the so-called Jewish question or problem of living space in Europe, as well as of Jewish culture. At the conference depicted in the film, which actually took place, the 'hothouse' nature of the discussion of the officers, according to the apparent theory of the director of the film regarding totalitarianism, created the necessary 'freedom' for the Nazi officials at the conference to discuss the removal of Jews from every sphere of life of the German people and the expulsion of the Jews from the supposed righful European living space of the Ayran German people.

Because everyone at the conference agreed, in totalitarian lockstep and mind that Jews were inferior, this horrifying decision became feasible to the Nazi's mindset. Over the course of the film, the ability to be the most restrictive in terms of Jewish life becomes a kind of competition for the Nazi officers, as they compare who enacted legislation to prohibit Jews from owning canaries, with those who engage in the most bloody anti-Semitic rherotic. Before the viewers' eyes, with beautiful scenery in the background, the totalitarian mindset takes hold, and measures about the concept of the deportation, labor use, and extermination of the Jews.

The much earlier film "Night and Fog" enacts as a similar depiction of the totalitarian mindset after the fact. The film is a documentary of the Holocaust crafted by Alain Resnais. Less than a decade after the end of the war, it interposes archival clips from the concentration camps with denials of the camps' existence. Under totalitarianism, it suggests, even as obvious a truth as the Final Solution can be ignored, as Gregor Samsa ignored his limited life, and as the Nazi officials as a collective denied their individual humanity. As Japan became a modern state under this period, a status system was formed, which designated specific sectors of the society into various classes and functions. he status system was composed of the samurai, the commoners peasant farmers, merchants, and artisans , and the daimyo, the land-holding class.

During the Meiji period, the samurai class had the highest position and the most favorable privilege among the classes. However, as the country moved toward modernization in the 20th century, this status system was dissolved and a new social order emerged. he commoners and daimyo became more successful than the samurai because of the former's economic wealth and capabilities, as compared to the samurai who have only status but still depend on the daimyo for money. Modern Japan no longer subsisted to this kind of social stratification.

No classes in society were created, be it in terms of religion, race, business affiliation, or…. The Liberal Democratic Party was an example of a political entity which has cultivated a corporatist nature to its politics. The LDP being the oldest and strongest political party in Japan, it dominated and controlled the Diet for many years since the emergence of 20th century. As the 20th century prepared for the coming of the 21st century, LDP had been the focus of political scandals, wherein its strong connections with businesses and corporations revealed that Japanese politics was controlled not by the LDP, but its sponsor businesses instead. The social structure of Japan at present was not as hierarchical and stratified as it was during the Meiji Restoration period.

The status system was composed of the samurai, the commoners peasant farmers, merchants, and artisans , and the daimyo, the land-holding class. The commoners and daimyo became more successful than the samurai because of the former's economic wealth and capabilities, as compared to the samurai who have only status but still depend on the daimyo for money. No classes in society were created, be it in terms of religion, race, business affiliation, or political affiliation. Perhaps the most evident form of class stratification was geographical in nature: there is the "burakumin" or "hamlet people," which was stratified as such because they lived in segregated villages in the country. The burakumin was the equivalent of America's ghettos, wherein most of the minority members of the society live.

Not only are the burakumin segregated geographically, they are also marginalized in the sense that burakumin people are assigned jobs and activities that are considered "unclean" by the Japanese, that is, menial working such as cleaning, slaughtering animals, and disposing of the dead. This stratification in Japanese society has little influence in politics, mainly because they are not active participants and involved in Japanese politics. The burakumin, in effect, are not represented in Japanese politics. Nations and Nationalism Exist: Comparison of the ork of Laitin, Geertz, Hobsbawn, and Anderson The objective of this study is to compare the work of Laitin, Geertz, Hobsbawn, and Anderson and to answer as to which argument is the most persuasive for why nations and nationalism exist.

Definition of 'Nation' Anderson defines the concept of nation to be such that results in theorists of nationalism being perplexed by three specific paradoxes include: 1 the objective modernity of nations to the historians eye vs. their subjective antiquity in the eyes of nationalists; 2 the formal universality of nationality as a socio-cultural concept -- in the modern world everyone can, should, will 'have a nationality as he or she has a gender vs. The irremediable particularity of its concrete manifestations, such that, by definition, 'Greek' nationality is sui generis; 3 the political power of nationalism vs.

their philosophical poverty and even…. Works Cited Anderson, B. Geertz, C. The Integrative Revolution: Primordial Sentiments and Civil Politics in the New States. Hobsbawm Nations and Nationalism Since Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Laitin, DD n. Identity in Formation: The Russian -- Speaking Populations in the Near Abroad. Cornell University Press. Ithaca and London. The definition for "subversives" is a bit vague, but Fagen explains that in Argentina and elsewhere in Latin American dictatorships the victims of violent repression tended to be union leaders, liberal political leaders, artistic people in cultural circles, student protest leaders and media personalities p.

The whole point of these horrendous repressive policies was to inspire fear, confusion and "distrust" among the general population. For those who believe the United States' military always stands on the side of democratic movements it may come as something of a shock that the U. funded and trained many military outfits during the time of dictators in Latin America. Fagen says the repression in Argentina was, in part, designed to "Purge ideological infection"; Argentine present General Jorge Rafael…. Works Cited Fagen, Patricia Weiss. Hunter, Wendy. Civil-Military Relations in Democratic Argentina, Chile, and Peru. Remmer, Karen L. Military Rule in Latin America. University of Texas: Unwin Hyman, The Mexican state shows clearly the way the prevailing political culture can shape and give direction to political institutions.

The political institutions of Mexico are similar to those of the United States, but as Cornelius and Craig note, what seems the same on paper is not the same in operation because the prevailing political culture is one-party rule at all levels: "Until recently, selection as the candidate of the official party has been tantamount to election, except in some municipalities and a handful of congressional districts where opposition parties are so strong that they cannot be ignored" Cornelius and Craig The prevailing features of the system are found in the following elements common…. Works Cited Burnaby, Barbara and Thomas Ricento. Language and Politics in the United States and Canada: Myths and Realities.

Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Camp, Roderic Ai. Politics in Mexico: The Decline of Authoritarianism. Carroll, Michael P. March 26, Global Law and Politics: Political and legal institutions and communications have played an integral role in the development and provision of legitimacy in contemporary societies. This has been through the development of obligatory collective decisions, general legal principles, exercise of political power, and resolution of conflicts. In the new global system, these legal and political institutions have created and conveyed social values, political power, and social meaning in every sector of the society. Both of the institutions are considered as legitimate because they have been established on core values that are related to essential freedoms, the rule of law, and democracy.

Aspects of a New Global System: Modern societies across the globe are faced with critical issues and problems that are dealt with at the global level by the establishment of laws and policies, which are developed in various institutions. Global law and politics has had a significant impact on…. References: Concannon, T , Chapter 5 - Resource Exploitation in Nigeria, Pambazuka News, viewed 27 December , Ejimeke, A , The Oil Spills We Don't Hear About, The New York Times, viewed 27 December ,. The fact that communism still dominates affairs in the country can limit or discourage foreign investors. The masses no longer express interest in U. cultural values because it appears that the U. This enabled China to step forward and pose into a body that no longer had problems because of its communist background and that was ready to join other international actors in assisting society progress.

The fact that China progressed significantly while the U. Fair play is one of the main points of interest at this point, as "the concern in Southeast Asia is that the United States, rather than accommodating to a…. Works cited: Brook, Daniel, "Modern Revolution: Social Change and Cultural Continuity in Czechoslovakia and China," University Press of America Fitzgerald, Charles Patrick, , "The birth of Communist China," Michigan University Li, Mingjiang, , "Soft Power: China's Emerging Strategy in International Politics," Lexington Books Tang, Wenfang and Holzner, Burkart "Social Change in Contemporary China: C.

Yang and the Concept of Institutional Diffusion" University of Pittsburgh Pre. Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Filter By:. Keyword s Filter by Keywords: add comma between each. Most Relevant Recently Added Most Popular. Home Topics Politics Comparative Politics Essays Comparative Politics Essays Examples. Having trouble coming up with an Essay Title? Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly. In this way, McFaul… Works Cited McFaul, Michael. In this sense, the democracy as described by Plato is a reference point in the study of democracy in general,… Reference Goodin, Robert E.

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