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Arranged marriage vs love marriage essay

Arranged marriage vs love marriage essay

The two individuals know perfectly well what are the likes and dislikes of both of them. ASK writer for help. The ultimate decision regarding the choice of life partner should be made by the two individuals only. It is impossible to predict whether the union will be successful, arranged marriage vs love marriage essay. And it should be respected. Therefore, all "for" and "against" must be counted in advance. Each spouse should know how the partner acts in a given situation.

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Whenever we talk of Indian wedding, we try to associate it with arranged marriages. Due to the social structure, the concept of arranged marriage is prevalent in the Indian wedding scenario, since ages. On the other hand, love marriages were considered as a taboo among many Indian people, who do not have a modern outlook of life. For them, two people should tie the wedding knot only with the consent of their parents and the blessings of their relatives. Nonetheless, love marriages are prevalent in almost all the societies of India, given the fact that they are still considered inferior to the weddings arranged by many parents in the country.

On the other hand, people who believe in solemnizing the wedding with the permission of parents and relatives think that arranged marriages are long lasting. In this article, we have discussed love marriage vis-a-vis arranged marriage. In case of arranged marriage vs love marriage essay marriage, people might expect more from their partner, largely because they have fallen in love before marriage. On the other hand, compromise and adjustments form the foundation of arranged marriage, arranged marriage vs love marriage essay, largely because the married couple does not have any preconceived notions arranged marriage vs love marriage essay expectations from one another. Proficient in: Arranged Marriage. I really enjoy the effort put in. The compromise factor might work wonders in case of most of the arranged marriages, while in love marriages, that might prove to be yet another cause for altercation.

Due to this factor, people consider arranged marriage as long lasting and better than love marriage. In case of arranged marriage, the married couple could resort to their parents or acquaintance at the time of financial crises or other problems. In addition, if the marriage proves to be a failure, they have a number of people around them to put seek support or to put the blame on. This is the reason why arranged marriages are considered secure for the people in India. On the other hand, the couples who have solemnized love marriage would have to tackle all their crises on their own, because they might have been separated from their family.

Resentment drives the parents and the relatives to remain dormant in case the arranged marriage vs love marriage essay couple wants any financial or moral support — a common sight seen in love marriages in India. Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage. com, Nov 27, Accessed January 7, comNov Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage Topics: Arranged Marriage Family Life Love Marriage Sociology. Essay, Pages 2 words. Get quality help now. Cite this page Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage. Recent essay samples. Romeo And Juliet Arranged Marriage Essay Pages: 5 words Arrange Marriage Is Better Than Love Marriage Pages: 1 words One may have feelings of love for another person and desire marriage Pages: 3 words How Is Love Presented In Victorian Love Poetry Pages: 10 words Love After Love By Derek Walcott Analysis Pages: 2 words Love Essay Example and Barriers to Love Pages: 4 words Compassionate Love Vs Passionate Love Pages: 4 words In "Love After Love," Which Of The Following Lines From The Poem Contains A Paradoxical Image?

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Despite the fact that young people marry because of love, there is a big chance that they will break up. The ability and desire to have an arranged marriage is usually characterized people as more thoughtful. This helps to maintain stability and not to hurt the feelings of each other. For me an arranged marriage, about that I write this arranged marriage essay — it is not a searching for material well-being. It is primarily the search for compatibility on many levels, including emotional and intellectual as well as the level of human activity. Such love is shown in the Great Gatsby essay.

The main character became rich for his beloved woman was with him. On our website you can find all the information about services and price. Today in society there are many prejudices about the arranged marriage. Somehow, most of us have a notoriously negative attitude to this union. Why is it shameful to live with a trustworthy and wealthy man? The success of men in social terms means that he has self-realization in life. And it should be respected. Can you find a woman who would refuse to live with a man who is worthy of respect?

She will have a stable and secure life, in which there are no problems of thousands of poor families. I'm personally more inclined to believe that such a marriage could be a long and harmonious. And yet many people consider a marriage without love is not a full union. Yes, it is nice to live well with the independent, wealthy and reliable man, to respect him, but without love, such a union is a kind of suffering, because some things have to be done without desire. For the arranged marriage will be happy and long, it is important to consider not only the material side, but also some other significant aspects: the compatibility of partners in a physical and psychological sense, the life experience of the future spouse and learn to compromise t, etc.

Therefore, all "for" and "against" must be counted in advance. Can arranged marriage turn into a love marriage? Of course. But love is a broader concept than the selection of a suitable partner. A mutual attraction or friendship can turn into love. It is impossible to predict whether the union will be successful. Only efforts of the man and the woman will make it successful. BIG EssayWriter. com Order Now Login Toggle navigation College Essay Essay Editing UK Essay Custom Essay Custom Writing FAQ Prices About Us Contact Blog. What Is Stronger? Arranged Marriage VS Love Marriage Essay. Marriage is Love Marriage My essay on love marriage and arranged marriage will describe these types of marriages.

A good marriage rests on three pillars: Mutual trust. This is the most important factor that makes a marriage successful. It is important feeling that two people live for each other, and that marriage is built on principles that both spouses respect each other. Mutual respect. Each spouse should know how the partner acts in a given situation. Both partners are individuals, but clay that binds their marriage is their common views. Selfishness is an enemy number one. Try not to be selfish, if you want your marriage to be successful. Marriage is an obligation for a lifetime. A life path is not always strewn with roses. Nowadays, young people of the modern generation do not find the arranged marriage so attractive. While not all of such marriages appear to be successful, some of them actually result in a happy union filled with mutual understanding and affection.

Marriage is not simply a union of two people, but rather a union of two families, that is to say two social networks that become closely related with one another. The arranged marriage is focused on the union between the families. If the values of both families coincide, their sons or daughters can get married with those of other families because in this way they will be taken care of and lead a life that meets the order established in the other family. The most valuable things searched for in this form of marriage are stability and security. Although this leaves out the emotional element, the importance of a stable and safe marriage cannot be denied.

This is probably the reason why Indians have a very low rate of divorce. On the other hand, love marriage seems a perfect union of a man and a woman simply because this union has been formed out of mutual affection. All of us strive to find a soul mate and then get married in order to lead a happy life ever after. It seems that nothing can go wrong in such circumstances, but there are many doubtful issues that are associated with the love marriage. This kind of marriage requires more work and effort than the arranged marriage. There is no one other to blame if the marriage does not work out well. Even though people tend to learn much about their future partners before getting married, the life in marriage is an entirely new experience that is always filled with both ups and downs.

At the same time, a love marriage allows all of us to choose our sole mates and find a person to whom we are attracted intellectually, physically and emotionally. In such a way, we can live according to our own terms that make us feel happy and be satisfied with the way we live. Did you like the essay? You can purchase one on our website. Explore the privileges of a professional online writing service. Love Marriage vs. Arranged Marriage: Which is Better? Therefore, they decide to spend the entire life together. The two people take responsibility for their choice and the blame in the future would lie on both of them and no one else. The two individuals know perfectly well what are the likes and dislikes of both of them.

They can therefore get along quite well without misunderstanding or quarrels.

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