Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Essay on utopia

Essay on utopia

Everyone deserves to have equal rights so for essay on utopia Utopia they would. In my society, positive reinforcement will stimulate individuals to repeat desirable behaviors. Example 3. The government would be a public government, in which all citizens would take actions they make would be fair, not inherent like our government. However, essay on utopia, Utopia is the imagined place or state of things where everything is perfect.

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Browse the database of more than essays donated by our community members! The government would be a public government, in which all citizens would take actions they make would be fair, not inherent like our government. Women and men would have equal writes and share opinions. But in society today this would never happen. then society would answer the call to war and fight to protect their homes. deadline 6 hours Writers : ESL Refund : Yes, essay on utopia. deadline 3 hours Writers : ESL, ENL Refund : Yes. Payment methods: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover. deadline 8 hours Writers : ESL, ENL Refund : Yes. Every person would be perfect to have a home, good education, and health, and grow up in the safety of a caring family.

In nature they would be no killing, food would be grown and not affect the food chain and we would eat specially bread animals. A utopian society would never need anger and rage or jealousy because all the societies will be equal and be shown how to love and care. Nobody would work but be set tasks to help their friends and society. They would be perfection and if someone did something wrong people would help in a friendly way. At the end of the year, we would have a festival, sing and dance to express our feelings and we would live in a happy world. More, essay on utopia, the author describes Utopia as a community or society possessing highly desirable or near perfect qualities. Everything in Utopia is as similar as it possibly can be. According to Hythloday, the cities are almost indistinguishable from each other.

They have virtually the same populations, architecture, layouts, and customs, essay on utopia. Inhomogeneity, Essay on utopia visualizes an end to injustice and inequality. Further, More imagines a homogenous community as being a rational community. Such a concept necessarily assumes that all rational thought leads in the same direction, toward the same eternal truths. Also, it posits that in matters of social theory there are single, definite truths to be found, which we know not to be the case. No work will be done and without work, essay on utopia, not enough food is produced to feed the people.

With the laws of today, no one can be forced to work against their will, much less be told what kind of work to perform or do. The products cannot make themselves. Also, in a world with ever-increasing population, the reverse is true. There is a shortage of most commodities and resources with fierce competition amongst the populace for these ever-dwindling resources. They will work for nothing. How can they be paid without money? If they are paid in products, how could they trade them, if nobody else works? As is, there is a general misconception about the available money per capita in the world. How does the supply of these goods gets replenished, if nobody works?

Also, how does one divide capital goods, such as Automobiles and Television sets? How are they essay on utopia enough money to subsist? If nobody is working, where do the supplies for these pursuits come from? While artists want this utopia, so they can pursue their art without having to work at another job, it essay on utopia not viable unless they have a means to support their daily needs. Only essay on utopia creates wealth. The government can not create any wealth, because only work can do that. The government has no power to take care of anyone without wealth to do so. To gain wealth, the government must tax the population.

For the population to be able to pay taxes, the population must work for pay. They have different characteristics and different abilities. Some people waste their resources. Other people conserve theirs. Some work harder than others and have more skills and want to be paid for these skills. Many things that people want to do may be harmful to others. Also, as opposed to one major there are many major religions in the world. Any attempt essay on utopia ban religion will its followers very angry, even violent. The passion for religion borders on fanaticism on the part of many, and any attempt to ban religion or even enforce a similar religion will be viewed as partisanship. For one, no single human or even a committee of humans is capable enough to make up the rules that would govern an entire planet.

Secondly, humans can think for themselves and have their desires and wishes. How do you stop humans from thinking or wanting? We humans by nature are greedy and fickle-minded. We want something one instant and something else the next, or we want it all. Imagine a society where everyone wants everything but is not prepared to work for it or deal with the consequences of their actions. So I think utopias would fail because human beings are not omniscient, inconsistent, emotional, selfish and greedy. The rules that human beings devise for self-governance are always flawed and need constant tweaking to tackle new issues in an ever-changing world. Restrictive rules do not take this into account.

People have free will, and they will make devastating choices sometimes. However, essay on utopia, Utopia should not be discredited or seen as useless work, just because it is not workable as a social essay on utopia. Instead, one should appreciate the profound insights, essay on utopia, the humorous irony, and the underlying message in the good ideas presented by More. Hythloday begins by discussing the geography and history of Utopia, essay on utopia, each of which proves perfect for nurturing an ideal society. Utopia occupies an island that is as isolated as it wants to be; the Utopians interact with the rest of the world on their terms, essay on utopia.

Utopia needs no real external resources, is well defended against any sort of attack, is fruitful enough to carry on a surplus in trade, and allows for easy transport of goods and people within its territory. With the story of General Utopus, essay on utopia, the ideal geography is given a source: the island was built, cut off from the mainland thousands of years ago. General Utopus conquered the territory and installed in a single historical moment the roots of the present-day Utopian society, essay on utopia. Utopia, then, essay on utopia, essay on utopia not develop in a way comparable to any other state in the history of mankind.

Its geography and history can only be described as ideal. The ideal society of Utopia is not presented by Thomas More like a real possibility for other nations to mimic. Thomas More admits as much by describing Utopia only within a fictional frame. Utopia may be ideal, but in the very structure of Utopia is the understanding that the ideal can never essay on utopia attained and instead can only be used as a measuring stick. On an island not too far from the coast of South America, lives a perfect society where the members are happy and content in their role in the community. The island, also known as Salaad, is a tropical island not much larger than a medium-sized town with only about people who live in this island community.

The people of Salaad are by no means perfect. They are only human. What makes Salaadians special is that they are all very different people with very different backgrounds but they all are accepting and acknowledging the people around them as sensitive creatures who deserve to be treated as equals if not family. Canadians live however they choose. They are free to do essay on utopia they please but they are expected to do some sort of task of their choosing three days a week and an assigned task the other three days a week.

Canadians are subsistence farmers. They grow their food and fish for their meat since there are no other animals on the island. Everyone must do their share of the work. If someone chooses not to do their work regularly or does poor work consistently they will have a scheduled hearing at which members of the community will be randomly chosen to talk with that person and make sure he or she knows that their work habits are concerning to the community. If the person does not make the necessary changes, the hearing will be rescheduled and expulsion from the community will most likely result.

People who refuse to do the few tasks asked of them are not the kind of people who were originally asked to join this community and expulsion rarely happens. When it does occur, however, the person receives enough money to get started on a new life where he or she was originally from. The essay on utopia comes from an account that everyone who joins the community puts all of their money into. My utopia does not exist in a perfect world; the reason for this is that I believe there is no such thing as a perfect world.

There are balanced worlds and worlds that exist in harmony, but never a perfect world. If there were such thing as a perfect world there would be no need for advancements and breakthroughs as there is now. Society would become stagnant, and eventually die off. So in my utopia, my world, things are ever-changing, there is not a day that is like any other; there are similarities, but never the same thing twice. The people that inhabit my world are content. They have all their needs met, and they meet the needs of their society, essay on utopia. Everyone works. The need for everyone to work should be obvious. And anyone who does not work for the good for their society is exiled. If you work, you get a house, you get the food you need, and the clothing to clothing you, essay on utopia.

Other material possessions are earned through a essay on utopia system.

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Secondly, humans can think for themselves and have their desires and wishes. How do you stop humans from thinking or wanting? We humans by nature are greedy and fickle-minded. We want something one instant and something else the next, or we want it all. Imagine a society where everyone wants everything but is not prepared to work for it or deal with the consequences of their actions. So I think utopias would fail because human beings are not omniscient, inconsistent, emotional, selfish and greedy. The rules that human beings devise for self-governance are always flawed and need constant tweaking to tackle new issues in an ever-changing world. Restrictive rules do not take this into account. People have free will, and they will make devastating choices sometimes.

However, Utopia should not be discredited or seen as useless work, just because it is not workable as a social system. Instead, one should appreciate the profound insights, the humorous irony, and the underlying message in the good ideas presented by More. Hythloday begins by discussing the geography and history of Utopia, each of which proves perfect for nurturing an ideal society. Utopia occupies an island that is as isolated as it wants to be; the Utopians interact with the rest of the world on their terms. Utopia needs no real external resources, is well defended against any sort of attack, is fruitful enough to carry on a surplus in trade, and allows for easy transport of goods and people within its territory.

With the story of General Utopus, the ideal geography is given a source: the island was built, cut off from the mainland thousands of years ago. General Utopus conquered the territory and installed in a single historical moment the roots of the present-day Utopian society. Utopia, then, did not develop in a way comparable to any other state in the history of mankind. Its geography and history can only be described as ideal. The ideal society of Utopia is not presented by Thomas More like a real possibility for other nations to mimic. Thomas More admits as much by describing Utopia only within a fictional frame. Utopia may be ideal, but in the very structure of Utopia is the understanding that the ideal can never be attained and instead can only be used as a measuring stick.

On an island not too far from the coast of South America, lives a perfect society where the members are happy and content in their role in the community. The island, also known as Salaad, is a tropical island not much larger than a medium-sized town with only about people who live in this island community. The people of Salaad are by no means perfect. They are only human. What makes Salaadians special is that they are all very different people with very different backgrounds but they all are accepting and acknowledging the people around them as sensitive creatures who deserve to be treated as equals if not family. Canadians live however they choose. They are free to do what they please but they are expected to do some sort of task of their choosing three days a week and an assigned task the other three days a week.

Canadians are subsistence farmers. They grow their food and fish for their meat since there are no other animals on the island. Everyone must do their share of the work. If someone chooses not to do their work regularly or does poor work consistently they will have a scheduled hearing at which members of the community will be randomly chosen to talk with that person and make sure he or she knows that their work habits are concerning to the community. If the person does not make the necessary changes, the hearing will be rescheduled and expulsion from the community will most likely result. People who refuse to do the few tasks asked of them are not the kind of people who were originally asked to join this community and expulsion rarely happens.

When it does occur, however, the person receives enough money to get started on a new life where he or she was originally from. The money comes from an account that everyone who joins the community puts all of their money into. My utopia does not exist in a perfect world; the reason for this is that I believe there is no such thing as a perfect world. There are balanced worlds and worlds that exist in harmony, but never a perfect world. If there were such thing as a perfect world there would be no need for advancements and breakthroughs as there is now. Society would become stagnant, and eventually die off. So in my utopia, my world, things are ever-changing, there is not a day that is like any other; there are similarities, but never the same thing twice.

The people that inhabit my world are content. They have all their needs met, and they meet the needs of their society. Everyone works. The need for everyone to work should be obvious. And anyone who does not work for the good for their society is exiled. If you work, you get a house, you get the food you need, and the clothing to clothing you. Other material possessions are earned through a merit system. Through this system, if you go above and beyond what is required of your responsibilities then you earn merit, and merits can be exchanged for superficial possessions.

Working also guarantees free health care. The same with any other special needs you or your family might have. They are all covered by the society. Education is also provided by society. An individual can progress their quest for knowledge at any level for free. All institutions provide the same level of learning to all that apply. There will be no uneducated people in my utopia. Education is fundamental to my utopian society. Education is encouraged by society, and progressive study beyond the required levels can also earn merits. The basic principles and norms of family and community relationships are discussed. My Personal Utopian Society B. Skinner is fairly regarded as one of the most prominent figures in behavioral psychology.

His experiments and theoretical elaborations resulted in the development of a new theory of operant conditioning — the turning point in the human understanding of psychology and human behaviors. In his writings on behaviorism and operant conditioning, B. With time, Skinner came to recognize the usefulness of punishment in particular conditions and about particular subjects. That is why my utopian society will apply to positive reinforcement to promote human behaviors that are desirable and benefit the community. A utopian society based on positive reinforcement will seek to reward its members for desirable behaviors.

In my society, positive reinforcement will stimulate individuals to repeat desirable behaviors. My society will have its constitution, which will list all desirable behaviors and the ways of rewarding community members for displaying and repeating these behaviors. The society will not distinguish between different types of desirable behaviors and all rewards will be equal. Equal rewards are necessary to ensure that community members are equally committed to all types of desirable behaviors. For example, a society member who decides to work additional hours on Friday and a society member who decides to share his profits with a poor neighbor will receive equal rewards.

According to the constitution, desirable behaviors will include work, participation in music and fine arts, charity and medical assistance, marriage, birth control, and collective childrearing. To avoid overpopulation, my utopian society will encourage marriages and strict birth control. Every family that manages to have no more than 2 children during the first 10 years of its marriage will receive small material compensation. The society will not reward abortions. Families that do not have children will be able to use a surrogate mother. Surrogate mothers will serve a form of reward to families that do not have a child and desire to have one.

This is the rare case where the utopian society will apply to intangible benefits to reinforce desirable behaviors in community members — surrogate mothers will be a natural reinforcement for families that do not have children but want to become parents. Children will grow in collective facilities without parents. No formal education will exist. My utopian society will make children learn from the natural environment in which they live, from their relationships with other children and the constitution. Children will return to families after they are 16 years old. By that time, they will have to learn the basic professional skills and will become the full members of the community workforce. Children who actively engage in labor activities will receive small material compensation.

The society will reward parents who send their children to the collective facilities. Society will encourage and reward human relationships and unions that are based on mutual profits and benefits community rather than promote romance or friendship. The society will organize marriages based on reason. The society will reward only reasonable marriages organized around a common professional or productive goal. Such families will receive small material compensation. My society will not reward education and related activities. The society will reward only unskilled labor.

Individuals will have to work 6 hours every day. Saturdays and Sundays will be free. The society will encourage its members to participate in music and fine arts. The society will stimulate individuals to avoid unhealthy and harmful behaviors. No formal criminal justice system will exist because, due to positive reinforcement, individuals will refrain from criminal activity. Individuals that have never committed an illegal or immoral action by the time they reach their 40th birthday will receive a small material reward. The perspective of a reward will inspire individuals to avoid behaviors that can harm society or its members.

No formal authority will exist. Because authority empowers only a small group of individuals, it may disrupt the peace and balance in the society. Participation will become a form of positive active reinforcement for anyone who decides to express his view. Society members will have an opportunity to test their ideas and suggestions in practice. The society will gather once a week to monitor the progress of various experiments and to judge their results. The society will reward individual participation in experiments. The society will stimulate other members to sponsor such activities. The society will refrain from applying to punishment or negative stimuli.

My utopian society will promote positive reinforcement as the basic element of modifying individual behaviors. Positive reinforcement will help the members of my utopian society to refrain from harmful or undesirable behaviors. Conclusion My utopian society will utilize positive reinforcement to stimulate desirable behaviors. Positive reinforcement will ensure that community members display and repeat behaviors that benefit them and their community and, simultaneously, refrain from behaviors that can harm other society members. All rewards will be immediate and will follow the desirable behaviors.

All rewards will be equal, regardless of the specific form of desirable behavior and the amount of effort put in it. In this way, the community will guarantee that residents are equally committed to all types of desirable behaviors listed in the community constitution. The society in Fahrenheit […]. An utopia is a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions. Englishmen who settled in Virginia and Massachusetts envisioned different utopias. Englishmen who settled in Virginia wished for economic utopia while Puritans who settled in Massachusetts wished for a religious utopia. Utopia is a book trying to describe an idle way of living for people through the fiction title so that he can tell his idea as a story of a man finding this country, Amaurot, with a king Utopos.

This country is a manmade island with a group of people Utopos turned into his followers. Dystopian literature often shows nightmarish images of the near future. The main themes of dystopian works generally portray the oppression, wars, and revolutions. Dystopian works also show to be a place of negativity, usually the polar opposite of a utopia. A utopia is an illusioned society meant to be the ideal place. It is shown […]. Written by Howard Segal explores the past and present ideas of utopias. It features the first ancient Greece utopia all the way through the virtual world which engulfs people today.

Segal explains the reasons behind a utopia and what purposes they serve, he also explains how the utopias themselves have changed over time as with […]. Have you ever heard of what Utopia is? Things are way different than the things in reality. In my Utopia, everyone would have the same equal rights, would be less technology, and lastly no health issues. My vision for my Utopia would be different but have very few similarities to the real world. Everyone deserves to have equal rights so for my Utopia they would. With that being said, everyone has freedom of speech, people have the same opportunities as other people of different ages, colors, sexuality, etc.

Everyone may have their religion or belief, the right to privacy, and so much more that would equal equality. Human right is worth defending and everyone one should have the same rights. My Utopia would have less technology because I would like people to interact with each other and communicate. Having technology would be a distraction and would distance people away. There would be some technology for free time but it would be limited because then people would take advantage of social media. There would be fewer computers, phones, tablets, television use but they would still exist and there would be technology stuff for buildings and stuff on the streets but not to the point where you distance yourself.

Health can be very dangerous and some people would be sad cause they have something so I would rather not have any health problems in Utopia. In my perfect society which is Utopia people will have equal rights, not that much use of technology, and would be healthy. Utopia would have similarities to the real world but it would also have a lot of differences. A utopia is a unique place and everything is perfect. Utopia is a world of so many amazing things you would love to spend it there all the time. Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Plagiarism checker Do the check. Writing Help Ask for help.

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