Monday, January 17, 2022

Immigration argument essay

Immigration argument essay

Illegal immigration is one of the major ways to bring such deceases in a country where they could have eradicated. Those who claim the U. It is imperative to define whether you are writing a immigration argument essay or illegal immigration essay and highlight the difference if you compare them, immigration argument essay. It will be suitable to use a wise quotation in the end of an argumentative essay. Lots of studies have been conducted to access the impact of immigration on any economy. This appears to be the case in the United States. In any country where labor is getting older, immigration provide new young labor.

Effects of migration

Immigration has been and is a hotly debated topic that has created sharp arguments for and against it. The confronting positions were evident in the recent presidential elections pitting Democrats and Republicans. Majority of republicans favour a closed and strict immigration argument essay policies and laws whereas the democrats favour an open border allowing entry to migrants from different parts of the immigration argument essay. Immigration has been further categorised into legal or illegal migration and the proponents of closed border polices have even advocated for removal and deportation of foreigners in the USA. On the other hand, the democrats and proponents of open borders immigration argument essay fronted arguments that the country benefits from immigration of foreigners.

As such it is critical that we strike a common ground on the issue of legal and illegal immigration. Immigration is cross-border movement of persons from one country to another. As such legal immigration would be movement within the bounds of law. As stated earlier, immigration argument essay, illegal immigration is a divisive issue between the republicans and the democrats and it become evident during the presidential campaign, moreover, it makes us ponder on the divergent issues. The proponents of open border or majority of democrats believe that the USA government should open the borders and allow immigrants from other regions.

First, immigration has benefited the USA as it has contributed to increased productivity and therefore led to growth in the economy especially when companies hire non-native with required skills which cannot be found in the USA Meissner eta al Moreover, with immigrants it would be difficult to envisage a situation of decline in working age number. Secondly, cross-border immigration has lead to a highly competitive and skilled labor market and therefore ensured that the USA remains competitive as compared to other countries, immigration argument essay. In addition, continuous studies have indicated that legal and illegal immigrants usually get into self employment and as a result hired non-immigrants works Margret Furthermore, immigration argument essay, immigrants have brought to the USA their culture way of life, food and therefore contributed to a dynamic society Meissner eta al xv.

Thirdly, immigration argument essay, USA is famously referred to as the land of milk and honey people from other parts of the world aspire to live or at least visit USA, immigration argument essay. This is evident seeing the number of Latin Americans crossing the border. In addition, due to global crisis such as terrorism immigrants from Asian countries such as Syria and Iran have sought immigration argument essay in USA as they escape genocide and by opening its borders the USA will be advance humanity Margret On the other hand, Republicans and those in favour of closed border and strict policies on illegal immigration perceive migrant workers as competition in the job market and can deny the native jobs Caplan This has been the argument all along, that the immigrant workers from Latin America such as Mexico illegally cross the border and once they are in the country they can accept any wage.

This mean that the wages goes down due to supply and demand forces as a result the natives cannot secure a good paying job thus exposing them to poverty and poor living conditions Caplan Secondly, undocumented migrants are viewed as political enemies with republican politicians because they determine how votes are shared Mayda, Anna and Steingress Poll numbers have indicated that immigrants then to vote for democrats as opposed to the Republicans, this was evident during the elections. Immigration argument essay present a new demography which has to be tamed. Third, closed borders mean immigration argument essay of American culture and liberty Caplan Immigrants relocate with their ways of life which definitely influences the natives negatively.

For immigration argument essay, deterioration in English language has been attributed to immigrants. Moreover, Americans enjoy many liberties, immigrants from war torn countries find it difficult to abide to the law and mostly cause harm to the native Caplan Gang violence and drugs has been attributed to immigrants. Although Republicans and Democrats have sharp opinion on immigration, both acknowledge the need for reforms in immigration laws. Secondly, both sides seem to agree on the case of illegal immigration and can relax their positions on lawful immigration. Third, there is general consensus that children of undocumented migrants should be given citizenship as no one will be happy to see a child separated from her mother. One of the ways to curb illegal immigration is to have a strong border police and having stringent rules at the airports.

Secondly, immigration argument essay, there is need to administer English test so as to retain quality language in the USA. Thirdly, thorough screening of legal migrants so that we can only allow the best to come in as opposed to criminals or terrorists. In a conclusion, democrats and republicans have hard-line positions on immigration generally as highlighted. Mayda, Anna, Peri, Giovannin and Steingress, Walter. Immigration to the U. Meissner, immigration argument essay, Doris, Meyers, W. Deborah, and Michael Fix. Migration Policy Institute, Policy Brief.

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It has always been a matter of discussion in many countries for a number of reasons. The roots of immigration are related to the development, urbanization and globalization. Usually people of poor or less developed countries have a tendency to migrate in the rich and developed countries with the intention to earn their livelihood or to earn money for their family. This trend has though created a chaotic situation in the society of the countries where people have migrated or still migrating. A number of people from different sects of the society have started demanding a complete curvature on the immigration in the rich countries. This paper discusses the different aspects of the immigration and further probes that immigration is good or bad for the people of different societies.

Economic reasons: There are several reasons of immigration and earning money is definitely at the top of the list. Sustenance, due to economic problem is a big issue in many countries and this is why people rush towards the rich countries for their livelihood. People migrate to other countries with the intention of earning money. They get good wages for the same work in the developed countries in comparison to their native places. They do not only feed themselves by way of getting the employment therein but also take care of their family. Non economic reasons: Education is also one of the main non economic reasons of immigration in different countries.

People want their children to get education in a modern and developed state of affairs. People want their children to be equipped with professional skills so that they could earn and look after them satisfactorily and escape from the amount of struggles, they came across. People also migrate to other countries being inspired by religious reasons. It has been observed that people rush towards places that are considered holy for religious purposes. Civil wars, ethnic cleansing, continuous violation of human rights are also major non economic reasons of immigration. People migrate in the developed and peace loving countries where these problems do not exist and life of an individual lives a respectful life.

Like causes, there are different effects of the immigration which keeps this issue in discussion. Recently it has been noted that people in the rich countries have started raising loud voices against the immigration. They believe that these immigrants have trespassed in their territory and occupied the jobs, opportunities and resources which are meant for the native people. Since they belong to very poor places and have no choices, they can work at very minimum wages which affects the bargaining power of the people of the rich countries. Apart from this, the immigrants make their country overpopulated, what the native people believe. The people, who advocate against the immigration, suggest that the immigrants have no any liability or any kind of duty towards the nation where they get everything.

They just come, earn and leave when their purpose is fulfilled or even stay to make the country an overpopulated. They have no duty but enjoy a number of rights. Immigration is a widely discussed issue. It may have some negative effects or cause some problems for the people of the country where migration happens but there is another aspect of the issue. It is evident from a number of instances that the immigrants have widely contributed in the society of the nations where they have migrated. They have served the country ion a number of ways and their attachment is no less than the native people of the country. They have their significant role in the making of the country and also contributed in a number of fields which made the good identity of the nation.

They have sacrificed their lives in the time of war and whenever required for the country, where they migrated. They and their children contributed in the development through a number of works, services and accepted the country as their own. Migration is a very old concept and usually it is not harmful for any country and if it causes some negative effects, it also has some very positive effects on the country where migration happens. People has always opted migrating to different places as per their conveniences but in recent times the trend of migration has been started getting attractions for a number of reasons.

Politician also has played a huge role in highlighting this issue. They have created a fuss over in the brains of native people against the immigrants. The migration is usually done under certain compulsions. The act is more painful for an immigrant rather than a person who claims that his interests are being affected by the immigration. To stop the immigration, the world and especially the developed societies of the world should come forward and make some effective policies to improve the economic condition of poor countries that have been subjected to continuous exploitation of imperialistic powers and rich countries.

Today the imperialistic countries are well off because they have exploited the people and resources of these countries and it is their moral obligation to improve the situation of poor countries by introducing effective policies. Lots of studies have been conducted to access the impact of immigration on any economy. Decreasing wage rate and employment for residence of the country was always a major point of concern. People consider immigrants as a burden who uses their services but immigration is solution all those problems who are occurred due to shortage of skilled or unskilled labors. If we look at the bigger picture, immigration contributes towards increasing knowledge and economic gain. Now we will examine how different factors impact on any economy.

Different types of skills are required for different type of tasks, manufacturing and production. Immigration help in bringing desired skills to the country at a reasonable cost. Companies who are contributing towards economy of nation get benefited by hiring good, desired skills at cheaper rate. The costs of production directly impact the final cost of goods hence companies are able to sell goods at cheaper rates. When the cost of goods is decreasing, quantity will also increase because increased number of people can afford those goods. Companies take advantage of cheap labor and sell their products in other countries which help in brining revenue and foreign exchange to the economy.

Immigration also helps companies in understanding market of other countries in better way. Local people can explain better the need and test of consumers of their own countries. Companies who are planning to expand its business in other country can take advantage of skilled immigrants of that country. Immigration does not impact wages rate in great way because all goods required different skills. It helps in bringing more business to the companies and more revenue to the economy. Immigration does not drastically impact the employment of native people of any country. We may take example of America where the rate of unemployment went down to 4. Immigration is much required for any economy because of three reasons. Immigration helps in keeping desired number of workforce and prevent from labor crisis situation.

In any country where labor is getting older, immigration provide new young labor. Immigration also maintains the ration between the number of worker to be retired and existing workers. Immigration helps in increasing knowledge and innovation in any economy. In America the labor force have decreased near about four percent if they prevent immigrants. Many economists say that immigration help economy to grow swiftly without facing any major challenges from higher inflation. It benefits end consumers by providing goods at lower rate and companies to grow further. Like positive aspect, immigration also has its negative side.

The countries having legal and illegal immigration face various challenges in terms of increasing population, expenditure, economy, socio-culture and security. Each and every year lot of people illegally migrate from one country to another and government bear the cost of their habitation. It will be suitable to use a wise quotation in the end of an argumentative essay. As the issue of this type of essay touches different aspects of human life as psychological, religious, scientific, artistic, economic, educational, social, political, moral, historical, geographical, medical, personal, etc. Returning to the main subject, we are going to make a brief inspection upon it. As it was previously stated, there are pros and cons of the immigration issue.

Let us look through positive positions. The modern world of globalization opens new horizons to productive and successful immigration making the ways of immigrating easier. As a result, the humanity gets an economic growth. Immigrants also can replace skilled workers and scientists in the circumstances of brain drain in some countries. In addition to this, services to an ageing population can be maintained when there are insufficient young people in the country. Immigrants also can bring new ideas, energy, innovations, and modernization enriching the cultural diversity through taking traditions from their home countries. Apart from the advantages for the host country for the immigration we need to talk also about positive opportunities for immigrants.

Many people can fill their job vacancies and skills gaps, taking jobs abroad. Immigration will help refugees to get new safe place to live. While war is not the thing of the past yet, the quantity of refugees will certainly increase. For example, In the first place, there is a great problem of illegal. Illegal immigration is the major concern of those arguing against the immigrants. There are over 11 million of illegal immigrants in the country total. These people are extremely restricted in their professional opportunities and as such cannot pose a danger of taking away the jobs of the native workforce.

Immigration fuels positive developments in the US economy as a whole. Educated immigrants do not only become a valuable contribution to the labor force. They become taxpayers and business owners, thus helping create new jobs and promote business development of the country. Professional Essay Samples Writing Service. Get your essays written Overnight. My Account Order now about prices testimonials contact menu Our essay services Writing custom essays Essays for college students Essay writing help Paper editing services Essay writers Legal essays Nurse essay High school essay. Scholarship essay IB extended essay Admission essay Topics for essays Essay examples How to write essay Order essay online Purchase essay online Buy essays online.

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