Friday, February 11, 2022

Essays on brain drain

Essays on brain drain

Several individuals with University degrees have left UK, their country of origin, essays on brain drain, to seek jobs in other parts of the world. The earliest migration of talented individuals is believed to have been when the Chinese emigrated to Southeast Asia to work on the construction of the Great Wall of China. Shailja is one of those who is lucky to have turned her passion into her profession. Related Tags This article broadly covered the following related topics: brain drain causes and effects essay essay on brain drain its advantage essays on brain drain disadvantage essay on brain drain in words speech on brain drain in words paragraph on brain drain in words. An English teacher is teaching the primary classes. It will help boost their place of origin economically. There are two types of brain drain.

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Brain Drain is the term used to state a significant emigration of educated and talented individuals. It occurs in countries such as India where the employment opportunities are not at par with the educated youth in the nation. Brain Drain is a slang used to describe a considerable emigration of highly educated and brilliant individuals. It is mainly an outcome of lack essays on brain drain good employment opportunities within a nation. Below we have provided short essays on brain drain long essay on brain drain of varying lengths in English for your information and knowledge and to help you with the topic whenever you required, essays on brain drain.

After going through the essays you will know what is brain drain; what are its impacts on the growth of a nation; what are the causes of brain drain; what steps had the government taken to prevent brain drain and what steps should be further taken by the government. Migration of a significant number of educated and talented people from a country is referred to as Brain Drain. Besides, essays on brain drain, brain drain may even occur at industrial or organizational levels when there is mass exodus from a company or industry as the other offers a better pay and other benefits, essays on brain drain. Brain Drain is a loss for the country, organization and industry as it takes away the most talented individuals of the lot. The term, brain drain is often used to describe the emigration of scientists, doctors, engineers and other high profile professionals such as those in the banking and finance sector.

Their emigration has a negative impact on their places of origin. In case of geographic brain drain, in addition to the loss of expertise, the consumer spending in the country also suffers immense loss. While the geographic brain drain occurs due to better financial prospects and standard of living in other countries, essays on brain drain, organizational brain drain essays on brain drain be caused due to various reasons including poor leadership, unreasonable work pressure, low salary package and lack of professional growth. Brain Drain refers to the mass departure of learned and talented people from a country, organization or industry. It causes a major problem for their place of origin as it suffers loss of talent that in turn impacts their economic condition.

Many countries and organizations around the world are undergoing this grave issue due to various factors. The term brain drain was sprint by the Royal Society. It was initially coined to refer to the mass departure of the scientists and technologists from the post-war Europe to North America. However, as per another source, this term first sprung up in the United Kingdom and essays on brain drain referred to the arrival of the Indian engineers and scientists. Brain waste and brain circulation are other similar terms, essays on brain drain. Initially, the term referred to the technology workers immigrating to another nation however over the time it has become a general term used to describe the mass departure of talented and skilled individuals from one country, industry or organization to another in search of better paying jobs and higher standard of living.

While certain first world counties such essays on brain drain UK have also experienced major brain drain, the phenomenon is more common in developing countries such as India and China. There are many factors that are responsible for brain drain in these countries. Higher salaries, better medical facilities, access to advanced technology, better standard of living and more stable political conditions are among few of the things that attract professionals towards the developed countries. Several countries across the globe are facing the problem of brain drain and the government of these countries are taking certain measures to control the same however the problem still persists.

Better plans need to be put in to place to control this issue. Brain Drain is a broad term used to describe mass migration of highly talented and skilled individuals from one country to another. The term is also used to refer to the mass departure of skilled professionals from one industry or organization to another to seek better pay and other benefits. As mentioned above brain essays on brain drain occurs at three levels — geographic, organizational and industrial. Here is a look at these different types of Brain Drain in essays on brain drain. It is referred to the departure of highly brilliant and skilled individuals to another country in search of better paying jobs, essays on brain drain.

The mass exodus of highly talented, skilled and creative employees from one organization to join another is referred to as organizational brain drain. It weakens the organization and toughens essays on brain drain. It is the departure of employees from one industry in search of better jobs in other industries. It disturbs the working of the industries where brain drain occurs. There are different factors that cause brain drain at different levels. Though these factors are more or less the same, here is a look at these category wise:. The factors responsible for brain drain have clearly been identified. All that needs to be done is to control these in order to overcome the issue. Brain Drain, the process of talented individuals migrating from their home country to another in essays on brain drain of better job prospects and enhanced standard of living, essays on brain drain, is a growing problem these days.

It is a loss for the country of origin as they lose out on talent that impacts their economy negatively, essays on brain drain. A number of countries across the world see a major pool of talent moving out each year. While the third world countries suffer majorly from the issue of brain drain, developed countries are not safe either. Here is a look at the countries suffering major brain drain:. The United Kingdom that attracts numerous immigrants each year with its attractive pay packages and high standard of living also sees a major brain drain. Several individuals with University degrees have left UK, their country of origin, to seek jobs in other parts of the world. The education system of India is considered to be quite strong and one that produces extremely talented and highly intelligent youth who are in demand in every part of the world.

Indians get good packages outside along with better standard of living and thus leave their country. Greece has also been included in the list of countries facing the brain drain problem lately. The debt crises explosion in led to a rapid increase in this issue. A majority of the people from Greece migrate to Germany each year. Iran is known for religious dictatorship and political oppression and this has led more than 4 million Iranians to migrate to other countries. Research suggests that around 15, essays on brain drain, university essays on brain drain individuals leave Iran to get settled in other parts of the country each year, essays on brain drain. The civil war in Nigeria is one of the main reasons for Brain Drain in the country.

A large number of Nigerians migrate to US each essays on brain drain in search of better job prospects and better standard of living. China, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mexico and Jamaica are among the other countries that suffer major brain drain. Brain Drain is not only geographic, large number of talented individuals migrating from one organization to another or from one industry to another is also known as Brain Drain. When a pool of highly talented and skilled individuals leaves their country, organization or industry and moves to another one in search of better prospects it is an obvious loss for their original place as the work at the later place suffers and so does its economic prosperity.

In case of geographic brain drain, the immigration of doctors and engineers also essays on brain drain a negative impact on the society as a whole. The countries and organizations facing major brain drain problem should analyze the factors responsible for the same and work upon improving the conditions to avoid this issue. It will help boost their place of origin economically. When a pool of learned and talented professionals especially doctors, engineers and those belonging to the financial sector leave their country of origin to seek better job opportunities in another country it is known as Brain Drain. The problem is quite common in developing countries such as India. The mass exodus of employees from one company or industry to join the other is also counted as Brain Drain.

Indians are making the country proud by excelling in different fields and securing highly paid jobs in different parts of the world. Indians have thus contributed majorly towards building U. technology and in turn its economy. If they had contributed even half as much in the development of India, the country would have been in a better shape currently. India suffers a major Brain Drain as the employment opportunities available here are not at par with the quality of education provided. Some of the other factors include the unfair reservation system, huge taxes and low standard of living, essays on brain drain.

The geographic brain drain as well as that happening at organizational level is equally difficult to deal with. So why not avoid it in the first place. Here are a few ways to overcome the problem of geographic as well as organizational brain drain:. In countries such as India, the talented lot suffer at the hands of the quota system. Many undeserving people from the reserved category secure highly paid jobs while the deserving candidates have to settle for lesser paying ones. It is but natural for such deserving individuals to seek job that is at par with their talent in a different country and shift base at the first opportunity they get.

It is high time the government of India should do away with this biased quota system. Apart from the quota system, people are also preferred based on their creed, race and other things that have nothing to do with their talent when it comes to giving jobs. Many people have an inclination of giving jobs to those belonging to their own community or town. All this must be stopped and a person must get job based on his merit and ability. Many bosses have a liking for certain employees and a dislike for others. This causes dissatisfaction among the employees and they seek better opportunities outside.

It is said that an employee does not leave the organization, he leaves his boss. Lack of good leaders and managers can cost the company a number of talented employees. People like being encouraged and rewarded for their work and if this does not happen at the right time, they feel de-motivated and look for opportunities outside. An organization must be fair when it comes to deciding salary packages. There should not be huge variation when it comes to salary packages of the employees working at the same level. Also, the salary package must be at par with the market standards else the employee will leave as soon as he gets a deserving package elsewhere. One of the ways to uplift the economy of developing countries such as India is to control the problem of Brain Drain.

The ways to control this problem such as the ones mentioned here must be taken seriously and implemented by the government and organizations. Shailja is one of those who is lucky to have turned her passion into her profession. A post graduate in English Literature, writing comes naturally to her and she is doing what she does best - writing and editing. An avid reader, a fashion junkie, nature lover, adventure freak and a travel enthusiast are some of the other terms that describe her. Find all. Please Help us to improve, Contact us. Brain Drain Essay. Long and Short Essay on Brain Drain in English. Previous Essay on Flood. Next Essay on Baisakhi.

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Different things are taxed differently by the government. As a result, business in every sector has come down a lot. This is also the reason why people are migrating to other countries. Fewer facilities and no management : Another factor is that there is no job-satisfaction in any department. A scientist is working without a library. An English teacher is teaching the primary classes. A doctor is maintaining the accounts of a big hospital. Everyone in the country is paying taxes. But no special benefits are given to the common man in return for that tax. Just as government hospitals do not have all kinds of doctors for treatment if there are doctors, there is always a shortage of machines to treat them.

Getting treatment in private hospitals is beyond the reach of the common man. And there are many other reasons why people are moving from India to other countries. Low currency and low GDP : When India became independent in , the value of the rupee was equal to the dollar. Today, one US dollar is worth about 70 rupees in India. That means people go to other countries and earn good money and GDP is or in India. If once GDP goes less than 0 it means govt is getting failed in all fields. Corruption in India : Corruption is so rampant in the country that nothing can be done without money. Bribes and recommendations are also needed to get a job in the public or private sector. Nowadays if one has talent then he does not get a good job due to lack of recommendation. Education system : The education offered in India is less than that of other countries.

Because more attention is paid to the theory of each subject. When in schools and colleges, very little practice is done according to the subject. So Indian students, despite having talent, face disappointment. Population problem in India : In our country, one child is born every second. This means that even today in many states family planning procedures have not been adopted. Due to this, the population of the country is increasing day by day. The large population also makes it difficult for people to get a good job. And people are moving out of the country to other countries.

Low living style : The culture of India is much loved by the people of other countries. But unfortunately even today the living conditions of the people of our country have changed very little. In many areas or states, too many families are living below the poverty line. The government is not doing much for the people but providing more facilities for the big families. Discrimination and caste system : Where other countries have made so much progress, but in India even today people are discriminated against as a caste. Governments are not taking any significant steps in this direction.

Most of the media has also become marketable and the right news is not shown properly. Read Also Essay on Uses of Forests. What are the benefits of brain drain? Generally, the Indians are known for their sincerity, honesty and hardworking nature. When they migrate to any foreign country, they can get the job of their choice. They get a handsome salary or adequate wages. In return, the economy of that country goes on developing. It has been seen that we ourselves wish to send a family member abroad. When he becomes a Millionaire within five to ten years, all the family gets settled. In America or Canada or Australia, the Indians have become the backbone of the economy of these countries. In recent times, many families have been sending their children to other countries for education.

The main example of brain drain that youth is migrating to other countries on a study or permanent basis. As of today, more students are going to study in countries like Australia, England, Germany, and Canada. It costs up to 2. That means India's money is going to other countries. Educated children settle permanently in countries like Canada. It means that the youth of our country is settling abroad. Young people are the future of the country. If the youth of the country does not remain in the country then the country cannot progress. Living abroad permanently destroys the roots of many families. They drift away from their language and culture. Because a person who leaves the country adopts the culture of another country.

Students or people who are more mentally developed than the general public, even if they are smarter, go abroad because they have no value in India. Our country is facing a huge deficit. There is no job satisfaction, they can at least earn a lot of money. Not many people can show their love for their native place with an empty belly. Click here to read Essay on my ambition in life. This problem is not difficult to solve. The planning of the country needs a rethinking. There are plenty of resources in our country. If we start exploiting these resources, they will require manpower. We can give jobs to our youth according to their qualification.

They will be ready to get a reasonable pay-package. Besides, the working environment should be congenial for them. They should not complain of lack of job satisfaction. In these days, our qualified youth are being offered handsome pay-packages by big organizations and multinational companies. The representatives of various companies reach the colleges and universities on a fixed date and interview the final year students for their placements. Before the result is out, the students get the offers of jobs along with the pay-packages. So, the situation has changed a lot in India. We shall have to take solid steps on two fronts.

First, to check the brain drain, and secondly, to bring back our talent from other countries. Proper planning should be done to keep our talent within our country. Some young people may not mind getting small salaries but they must be given job satisfaction. We should provide them good libraries, well-equipped laboratories, and other facilities. They may reconcile to lower pay and other hardships if their capability is recognized. Their work should be appreciated and better chances for research should be always available. No doubt. India has made great development in the field of education, agriculture, medicine, and technology. Some of the companies are offering handsome packages to talented and qualified boys and girls. They never think of going abroad.

The only answer to this problem is that we should offer jobs and opportunities to our youth according to their professional qualifications. If they get jobs and salaries to their satisfaction, they will remain in their own country. They will prefer to serve their Motherland according to their capabilities. Read Also Essay on Environmental pollution. Definition of Brain drain means the migration of highly trained and qualified man-powered from one country to the other countries. This fleeing of talents mostly take place in the field of science and technology. This problem is mainly prevalent in developing countries like India.

India has been facing this problem ever since we got freedom. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Home Essays Essay On Brain Drain For Students In Easy Words — Read Here. The Different Types Of Brain Drain Brain Drain by Location Because of unemployment in the nation, problems at home, and a slew of other issues, some individuals migrate from one state to the next, a phenomenon known as geographical brain drain. There is a migration since there is no suitable package for the task. Some of the variables that contribute to the issue of organizational brain drain include: In the organization, there is no advancement for the job. There is no such thing as fair play.

There is a lack of leadership ability. There will be no growth of the company. Brain Drain in the Workplace The issue of industrial brain drain comes from a lack of uses for individuals, as well as when a person is moved. Some of the variables that contribute to the brain drain in the workplace. In the business, there is a lot of workload. The package was not appropriate for the job. Related Tags This article broadly covered the following related topics: brain drain causes and effects essay essay on brain drain its advantage and disadvantage essay on brain drain in words speech on brain drain in words paragraph on brain drain in words.

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