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Res essay competition

Res essay competition

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RES essay competition — Allowing more immigration of refugees would be good both for refugees and for the economies they come to link contains diagrams not in this post, res essay competition. Asylum is a fundamental right for those fleeing conflict and persecution in their own country, and has been recognised as such since the Geneva Convention on the protection of refugees. InViktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister, authorised the construction of a physical barrier on the Hungarian border with Croatia and Serbia, to stem the flow of refugees, predominantly from Syria, res essay competition, entering and claiming asylum.

Refugees themselves benefit from more stability, allowing them to enter the labour market and improve their standard of living. The immigration of refugees should improve the efficiency of an economy. As refugees flood in, their skills should help fill labour gaps in the host economy. In Switzerland, a 3 res essay competition experiment was launched by the Swiss Farmers Union and the State Secretariat for Migration SEM to employ refugees in 10 farms, showing how immigration of refugees can help fill labour shortages in this case in the agricultural industry for lower skilled manual labour. However, in the short term, the extent to which refugees can fill gaps in the labour market res essay competition arguably minimal.

Having experienced the ravages of war and conflict, they are likely to be traumatised, and are less likely to be motivated to find work than economic migrants. In fact, the Migration Policy Institute stated in a report that between male refugees were more likely to be employed than locally born counterparts. Moreover, refugees are arguably vital in western nations with shrinking populations to maintain the labour supply, and thus maintain and expand the productive capacity of an economy. The Bertelsmann Foundation in concluded Germany needed up toimmigrants a year through to just to maintain the res essay competition of its labour force.

This ensures the labour force can be maintained in the long term, thus maintaining the host countries productive capacity, whilst reducing the dependency ratio. However, while immigration is certainly needed to maintain the labour force in richer European countries, the majority of the 6million refugees displaced outside Syria enter less developed countries such as Jordan 1. More than 2million Rwandans left for Congo, Tanzania and Rwanda in the wake of the Rwandan genocide of In these countries, the labour force is growing year by year, and immigration of refugees only pushes locals out of jobs.

As such, average wages likely fall, leading to reduced res essay competition welfare for the country as a whole. In the meantime refugees, in increasing population levels increase consumption in the host economy, res essay competition, thus increasing demand for labour and maintaining or increasing wage levels. However, much of this demand will be funded by welfare payments, leading to an opportunity cost, as government funds that could have been otherwise used, to fund projects creating employmen,t are diverted towards welfare payments. Having said that, welfare payments are a potentially efficient mechanism by which the host government can boost demand in an economy, and as such the derived demand for labour. Refugees are likely to be in relative poverty when compared to the original population of the host nation.

Therefore, their marginal propensity to spend is likely to be high — a high proportion of their income is likely to be spent, thus boosting consumption, demand for labour and thus wage levels in an economy. However, a proportion of refugees income is sent back to help family members, res essay competition, in remittances. This outflow of cash dampens growth in consumption, and dampens GDP growth, suggesting welfare benefits to refugees is not so efficient a method of boosting consumption, and thus demand for labour. In the UK, in £billion, likely an underestimate, was sent abroad by migrants in remittances. Overall, as trade union power and an unwillingness by firms to demoralise workers means that wages tend to be sticky, any downwards pressure on wages created by the immigration of refugees to richer countries is unlikely to cause a major fall in wages.

The effect of immigrant labour on wage levels is heavily influenced by the nature of labour provided by the refugee population. Even so, lower wages can be a benefit if it increases demand for labour and thus lowers the unemployment rate, res essay competition. Moreover, in the long term an influx res essay competition refugees will fuel consumption, and as such encourage investment by firms, in turn increasing the productive potential of the host economy, boosting wages as demand for labour increases. Refugees would tend to take lower skilled jobs, res essay competition, increasing competition and potentially lowering wages for the poorest members in the country, while richer members benefit from cheaper prices, and firms and corporations benefit from larger profits associated with lower costs of production, exacerbating inequality levels.

Increasing inequalities in income matter; a recent IMF study showed rising inequality leads to lower and unsustainable growth, as Figure 3 shows, res essay competition. The evidence backs up res essay competition claim refugees are a bane on public finances. The OECD records Germany will require an additional 0. Moreover, social unrest can set in, as blue collar workers suffer from the immigration of refugees. Cultural differences can lead to further conflict, and compounded with blue collar frustration this can manifest itself as xenophobia and lead to rising popularity for nationalist and populist political res essay competition. The anti-immigration Front National in France in won 24 of 74 available French seats in the European Parliament.

Although, admittedly res essay competition was only As recently as the 23 rd June, Britain voted to leave the European Union, primarily in protest of immigration. Such actions harm an economy, as nationalists look to protect inefficient home grown industries — the steel industry in the UK — by imposing tariffs on foreign goods and providing subsidies, encouraging inefficiency in the economy, while tighter immigration controls as Nigel Farage promises restrict the labour force and thus reduce the productive capacity of the economy as a whole.

While arguably economic migrants increase productivity, refugees are unlikely to do likewise. The German Federal Employment Agency reckons only ½ of refugees in Germany gain employment after 5 years. However, an increase in the size of the labour force can increase productivity if it leads to greater economies of scale, as cheaper production costs lower wages enable firms to expand and benefit from specialisation. There is historical evidence to suggest the immigration of refugees can be hugely beneficial to the economy they come to, perhaps in filling labour shortages and encouraging growth in certain industries. Over 40, protestant Huguenots fled France for the safety of England between and Settling primarily in Spitalfields, London, they provided the necessary skills to aid the rapid expansion in the silk industry.

Inwrought silk exports from England to Europe stood at 24,lbs, a figure that rose to 36,lbs in Farrell,a result of the Huguenots diligent nature, skill as silk weavers, and business acumen. Furthermore, the persecution of well-off intellectuals in communist states can lead to brain drains where intellectuals and academics flee persecution to work elsewhere, providing high skilled labour and helping boost productivity in the country they enter, perhaps increasing the rate of innovation. It seems obvious that refugees benefit from immigration away from areas of conflict.

They enter relative safety, res essay competition, and can start rebuilding, starting with retraining to gain employment, allowing them to improve economic welfare, and via remittances, the welfare of any relatives abroad. However, for refugees, the economic cost of leaving is likely large, in having to sacrifice their financial assets, such as their house and vehicles. However, res essay competition, it notes that this gap converges after 20 years, and is perhaps therefore only a short term issue. Of course, the benefits of immigration for refugees varies dependent on their destination. Nasser Yadin, an academic at the American University of Beirut, estimates Britain spends 40x more than Lebanon on hosting each Syrian refugee, displaced by the ongoing Syrian civil war.

Regardless of this divergence in spending on refugees in richer and poorer nations, refugees certainly benefit from claiming asylum in foreign nations. Thus, clearly refugees, protected under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which guarantees the right to seek and enjoy asylum, benefit from public spending by host nations, in improving their well-being in the short run — with ready access to healthcare for example. In providing language lessons and retraining programmes and thus encouraging integration into the labour market, immigration can also aid refugees in helping them regain economic self-reliance. In Sweden, res essay competition, for example, refugees are enrolled in a work integration programme run by the Swedish public employment service Arbetsförmedlingen upon arrival.

Ultimately, the immigration of refugees is surely a good thing, both for the refugees themselves and for the economies they come to. Aiyar, S. Barkbu, B. Batini, N, res essay competition. January The Refugee surge in Europe: Economic challenges. IMF staff discussion note. Bertelsmann Stiftung. Capps, R. Newland, K, res essay competition. June The integration outcomes of U. Migration Policy Institute. Chandrasekhar, A. Res essay competition ready to employ refugees as farmhands. Deutsche Welle. German Labor Agency: job market can cope with new arrivals. Farrell, W. Silk and globalisation in eighteenth-century London: commodities, people and connections c. PhD thesis, Birkbeck, University of London. Marsh, R. October Socioeconomic Status of Indochinese Refugees in the United States: Progress and Problems.

Social Security Bulletin. November How will the refugee surge effect the European Economy? Migration Policy Debates. Ostry, res essay competition, J. Berg, A. Tsangarides, C. February Redistribution, Inequality and Growth. Vargas-Silva, C. The Fiscal Impact of Immigration in the UK. The Migration Observatory. pdf RES essay competition — Allowing more immigration of refugees would be good both for refugees and for the economies they come to. You are commenting using your WordPress. com account. You are commenting using your Google res essay competition. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email.

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The RES Young Economist of the Year competition aims at encouraging young economists among years 12 and 13 students studying for A-Level, International Baccalaureate IB or Scottish Highers qualifications who either normally reside or are studying in the UK to produce their own ideas in analysing contemporary economic problems facing the UK and the world. Participants can choose from a list of topics provided on the competition website which are selected by the RES. Students do not need to be studying economics to be able to enter this competition.

However, some familiarity with economics concepts and terminologies will be a plus. The maximum limit of the essay is words excluding the bibliography, the title page and any acknowledgements. All essays must be submitted by the deadline of Every participant is expected to submit an originally researched as well as originally written essay. Any help from peers must be limited to final proofreading where interventions should be limited to grammar or for accessibility. A note must accompany the essay citing any such assistance received. The note will not count toward the word limit of the essay.

Plagiarism checking will be done for all short-listed essays using state-of-the-art software. An essay may be withdrawn from the competition if substantial evidence of plagiarism is detected. Plagiarism essentially refers to a situation where any work you produce has been directly borrowed from the work of other person s to make your conclusions. Copying any sentences word-for-word from another source will be flagged with the plagiarism software and will constitute a plagiarism offence. RES reserves the right to cancel any such submission. So, essentially the essay submitted for this competition should be in your own words. In addition, you will need to cite substantive material that you borrow from any other sources to support your essay see below for more details.

Although we do not require a detailed referencing of your arguments within the essay for the competition, a list of sources that you have consulted and have substantively influenced your arguments must be included in your essay. These references do not count toward the word limit of the essay. Any such data sources that you use should be listed in the references. So, all in all, it follows a regular essay structure which may comprise of an introduction, main arguments and conclusion. Economists are always keen on learning and grasping your arguments and intuition about an economic phenomenon you are trying analyse.

The winner's student status verification will be requested from their academic supervisor or head of department. The entry must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Full details of the competition rules. Read a selection of past winners free online. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Sign In or Create an Account. Navbar Search Filter All The Review of English Studies All Journals Mobile Microsite Search Term Search. Sign In. Issues More Content Advance articles Editor's Choice Submit Author Guidelines Submission Site Open Access Purchase Alerts About About The Review of English Studies Editorial Board Advertising and Corporate Services Journals Career Network Self-Archiving Policy Books for Review Dispatch Dates Terms and Conditions.

Issues More Content Advance articles Editor's Choice Submit Author Guidelines Submission Site Open Access Purchase Alerts About About The Review of English Studies Editorial Board Advertising and Corporate Services Journals Career Network Self-Archiving Policy Books for Review Dispatch Dates Terms and Conditions Close search filter All The Review of English Studies All Journals search input Search. The effect of immigrant labour on wage levels is heavily influenced by the nature of labour provided by the refugee population. Even so, lower wages can be a benefit if it increases demand for labour and thus lowers the unemployment rate.

Moreover, in the long term an influx of refugees will fuel consumption, and as such encourage investment by firms, in turn increasing the productive potential of the host economy, boosting wages as demand for labour increases. Refugees would tend to take lower skilled jobs, increasing competition and potentially lowering wages for the poorest members in the country, while richer members benefit from cheaper prices, and firms and corporations benefit from larger profits associated with lower costs of production, exacerbating inequality levels. Increasing inequalities in income matter; a recent IMF study showed rising inequality leads to lower and unsustainable growth, as Figure 3 shows. The evidence backs up the claim refugees are a bane on public finances.

The OECD records Germany will require an additional 0. Moreover, social unrest can set in, as blue collar workers suffer from the immigration of refugees. Cultural differences can lead to further conflict, and compounded with blue collar frustration this can manifest itself as xenophobia and lead to rising popularity for nationalist and populist political parties. The anti-immigration Front National in France in won 24 of 74 available French seats in the European Parliament. Although, admittedly turnout was only As recently as the 23 rd June, Britain voted to leave the European Union, primarily in protest of immigration. Such actions harm an economy, as nationalists look to protect inefficient home grown industries — the steel industry in the UK — by imposing tariffs on foreign goods and providing subsidies, encouraging inefficiency in the economy, while tighter immigration controls as Nigel Farage promises restrict the labour force and thus reduce the productive capacity of the economy as a whole.

While arguably economic migrants increase productivity, refugees are unlikely to do likewise. The German Federal Employment Agency reckons only ½ of refugees in Germany gain employment after 5 years. However, an increase in the size of the labour force can increase productivity if it leads to greater economies of scale, as cheaper production costs lower wages enable firms to expand and benefit from specialisation. There is historical evidence to suggest the immigration of refugees can be hugely beneficial to the economy they come to, perhaps in filling labour shortages and encouraging growth in certain industries. Over 40, protestant Huguenots fled France for the safety of England between and Settling primarily in Spitalfields, London, they provided the necessary skills to aid the rapid expansion in the silk industry.

In , wrought silk exports from England to Europe stood at 24,lbs, a figure that rose to 36,lbs in Farrell, , a result of the Huguenots diligent nature, skill as silk weavers, and business acumen. Furthermore, the persecution of well-off intellectuals in communist states can lead to brain drains where intellectuals and academics flee persecution to work elsewhere, providing high skilled labour and helping boost productivity in the country they enter, perhaps increasing the rate of innovation. It seems obvious that refugees benefit from immigration away from areas of conflict. They enter relative safety, and can start rebuilding, starting with retraining to gain employment, allowing them to improve economic welfare, and via remittances, the welfare of any relatives abroad.

However, for refugees, the economic cost of leaving is likely large, in having to sacrifice their financial assets, such as their house and vehicles. However, it notes that this gap converges after 20 years, and is perhaps therefore only a short term issue. Of course, the benefits of immigration for refugees varies dependent on their destination. Nasser Yadin, an academic at the American University of Beirut, estimates Britain spends 40x more than Lebanon on hosting each Syrian refugee, displaced by the ongoing Syrian civil war. Regardless of this divergence in spending on refugees in richer and poorer nations, refugees certainly benefit from claiming asylum in foreign nations. Thus, clearly refugees, protected under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which guarantees the right to seek and enjoy asylum, benefit from public spending by host nations, in improving their well-being in the short run — with ready access to healthcare for example.

In providing language lessons and retraining programmes and thus encouraging integration into the labour market, immigration can also aid refugees in helping them regain economic self-reliance. In Sweden, for example, refugees are enrolled in a work integration programme run by the Swedish public employment service Arbetsförmedlingen upon arrival. Ultimately, the immigration of refugees is surely a good thing, both for the refugees themselves and for the economies they come to. Aiyar, S. Barkbu, B. Batini, N. January The Refugee surge in Europe: Economic challenges. IMF staff discussion note. Bertelsmann Stiftung.

Capps, R.

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