so he now has to make significance in his life by himself. and repent or experiencing sorry is a waste of clip, albert camus the stranger essay. It is also during the trial that his physical obsession emerges. Throughout the novel, the protagonist often refers to the power of the sun as the agent that usually provokes Meursault to lose temper and commit some unreasonable actions. the society beats him ; the universe does non assist him. so albert camus the stranger essay does non truly hold an emotion. Apart from the inability of the individual to resist the power of social regulations, and understanding of the role of religion constitutes another problem of existentialism discussed in The Stranger.
Literary Analysis of The Stranger by Albert Camus
Of Mice and Men Essays. To Kill a Mockingbird Essays. Lord of The Flies Essays. Beowulf Essays. Animal Farm Essays. Morality is an essential aspect of life among individuals in the world, albert camus the stranger essay, but the scenario is different for Albert Camus, as evident in the novel The Stranger. He approaches the issue of morality within his novel through various themes that suggest his stance on the subject, albert camus the stranger essay. His approach is albert camus the stranger essay that people should understand the role of theories such as absurdism and nihilism, albert camus the stranger essay. It should be approached with caution as morality is relevant in the life of every human being.
Morality defines and gives meaning to life as opposed to the nihilism that identifies it meaningless. In the novel, The Stranger, by Albert Camus, moral issues of universal irrationality, human life meaninglessness, and obsession with the physical world are addressed to reflect on the stand of nihilism and absurdism. Write my paper. The moral issues of universal irrationality are seen in the lack of orderliness in both the internal and external world where Mersault lives. However, he would eventually marry her without putting through into it. It is when one evening Marie came home and asked if Meursault would marry her and he said he did not mind. It is a moral issue given that Mersault would fail to give careful thought to a problem that deemed of high meaning in society.
It was absurd to joke on marriage that carries social significance. It is immoral to engage in murder, however, he identifies in the court that it was a pure chance that he had gone albert camus the stranger essay a revolver to the exact spot where they had met. Camus is evident in his novel of the loss of meaning in life through his character Mersault. Trial sequences reveal the need for a sensible explanation for his crime through the use of reason, logic and the notion of cause and effect. All these attempts are directed towards neutralizing the horrific concept that the universe is irrational. The meaninglessness of human life is described in the novel by Camus through the absurdist philosophy. In the book, it is clear that Camus believes in death as the only inevitable part of life.
He identifies that the eventual destiny with death deems all lives meaningless. In the novel, Camus uses the character Mersault to such realization. Mersault undergoes changes that make him realize that he is unresponsive and that makes the universe unsympathetic to him in return. Camus makes us believe that just like the way Mersault was born, he will die and lack relevance thereafter. However, such realization makes Mersault attain happiness. It entails a paradox that after all the search for meaning in life, the end provides happiness to human beings. At this point in life, Camus uses Mersault to gain more profound aspects of life and understand that it did not matter whether he was executed or died naturally through old age.
All the hopes of illusion Mersault had or getting a successful legal appeal to escape execution were kept aside. He believed that it was just a burden on him to hope for a sustainable life. However, Camus helps in shaping the position of Mersault by attributing his defeat towards the meaninglessness of life. It is within this position that Mersault can freely live and make meaning out of his remaining days to live. The moral issue on the obsession with the physical world is based on the focus of Mersault on physical aspects around him as opposed to emotional and social aspects. He is portrayed as materialistic and limited towards the sensate world. The Stance taken on the novel is limiting to morality that defines focus on spiritual, emotional, and social aspects besides the physical.
The attention of Mersault in the story is based on his body, the physical relationship he has with Marie. Besides, it also entails his surroundings and the weather, albert camus the stranger essay, among others. It reflects on his obsession with albert camus the stranger essay physical aspects of life. Morality within him seems to lack, given the traits he exhibits following the death of his mother. He had no remorse in his mind and went ahead in proceeding to see anything that crossed his mind. It is also during the trial that his physical obsession emerges. He claims that the suffering he went through under the sun led him to kill the Arab. He is deemed to have no connections with the emotional and social world despite being in such situations.
In conclusion, in the novel, The Stranger, by Albert Camus, moral issues such as an obsession with the physical world, meaninglessness of life and universal irrationality within the novel are discussed. It provides a clear stance of Camus on absurdism and nihilism within the book. Mersault experiences with relationships and eventually jail term in the search for albert camus the stranger essay in life. It is when he realizes the inevitability of death, albert camus the stranger essay, that gives him happiness. However, albert camus the stranger essay, Mersault develops moral issues albert camus the stranger essay his entire journey until his life in jail, albert camus the stranger essay.
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After marriage Camus had numerous affairs with other women, which he did not even try to hide. Still on September 5, Francine gave birth to twins Catherine and Jean. Camus life ended in a traffic accident on January 4, near Sens. His close friend and publisher Michel Gallimard drove the car and also perished. Camus grave in the Lourmarin Cemetery, Lourmarin, Vaucluse, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France. The twin children of Camus still hold copyright on all of his works[1]. Albert Camus: A Life. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it.
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The Necklace About the Author Henri Rene Albert Guy de Maupassant was born on August 5, , to an affluent family at the Chateau de Miromesnil, in France. Albert Bandura was born on December 4, , in Mundare, a small town in Alberta, Canada Boeree His father, who was a laborer, originally came from Poland while his. Finding a way to describe one of the most celebrated scientists ever born by means of stating facts about his life and achievements which most people hardly ever know at. His name is Albert John Dwight. He is born in Atlanta, Georgia on December 5, He is the only son of James. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Order original essay sample specially for your assignment needs. get custom essay. The life of the main character is the sequence of random and impulsive choices that form his individuality.
His values and preferences contradict the external social environment and identify him as a man with no remorse, lack of emotions, and moral premises. The concept of the stranger in the novel symbolizes an enemy of society who ignores fundamental rules Camus It means that the value of the freedom of choice and action is undermined by justice, ideologies, and moral principles that regulate social order. Apart from the inability of the individual to resist the power of social regulations, and understanding of the role of religion constitutes another problem of existentialism discussed in The Stranger.
The protagonist of this novel breaks the rules, declines the power of religion, questions the sense of life, but his mother said that happiness can be found in any aspect of life Camus Meursault is happy even before his death which makes him a respected hero of the existentialist philosophy. Despite rejecting the existence of God, Camus acknowledges that a world with no religion will be full of chaos so that everything would be uncontrolled due to no restrictions or moral regulations. Overall, the themes of existentialism covered in The Stranger affect the audience by the irrationality of life and the inconsistency of the moral principles.
These actions form a particular individual through the evolvement of personal values that sometimes contradict social regulations and moral principles. Thus, the protagonist neglects the truth of religion, rebels against the rules, and lives an irrational life but declares himself happy, which makes him a respected existentialist hero. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy.
Literary Analysis of The Stranger by Albert Camus Literature has always been reflecting major trends in various spheres of social and political life at a certain period. Learn More. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. Removal Request. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. GET WRITING HELP. Cite This paper. Select a referencing style:. Copy to Clipboard Copied! APA-6 MLA-8 Chicago N-B Chicago A-D Harvard. Reference IvyPanda. Work Cited ""The Stranger" by Albert Camus: Literary Analysis.
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